Insensitive or over reacting


My son is 4, he has ASD.

My friends all obviously know about my sons condition and his difficulties - primarily his speech, with his social interaction being not far behind.

When I get together with my closest friend, who has a son of a similar age to my little one, we naturally discuss our boys. But my friend insists on telling me all about the lengthly conversations she has with her son and about his large circle of friends, and how his friends squabble over who gets to sit next to him at school, etc. This really upsets me (not that I let it show to my friend), as I can't help but think about how I may never be able to have a conversation with my son, how he has such few friends .

Am I over reacting or is my friend being slightly insensitive??




  • stop trying to compete with your have a very  special little boy who has great potential,in time your little boy will grow up to be amazing human being who will make you laugh and cry.Its possible your little by with the right support can possibly go to uni. So don't feel intimidated by your friends progress,your son will progress at his own speed.

  • stop trying to compete with your have a very  special little boy who has great potential,in time your little boy will grow up to be amazing human being who will make you laugh and cry.Its possible your little by with the right support can possibly go to uni. So don't feel intimidated by your friends progress,your son will progress at his own speed.

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