Tea or coffee?

I’m just finishing my 3rd coffee of the day (I really need to cut down again!) and just wondered what hot drink other people prefer? Are you a coffee drinker or do you prefer tea or perhaps you like herbal tea (good flavour recommendations welcome!) or something else? How do you take your tea/coffee/other. I drink strong black coffee with no milk or sugar but with half cold water due to sensitive gums; I don’t drink tea but do drink herbal teas depending on the flavour, lemon, ginger and manuka honey is a current favourite but peppermint and liquorice is a recent fail on the herbal tea front!

  • I can't start my day without a mug of very strong black coffee. Possibly two. Then I can think about functioning. I used to do it in a Bialetti moka pot but now I have a DèLonghi machine that I've trained to fill a mug with full strength espresso.

    After the day is nicely aired it's tea from then on. And I am pernickety about that. Loose-leaf only. Three parts Lancaster Blend from J Atkinsons of Lancaster to one part Lapsang Souchong. Brewed for five minutes in a stainless steel teapot and drunk from my porcelain mug for tea only. No milk, no sugar.

  • A mug of espresso sounds great! Who invented the rule that they had to be tiny? :-)

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