Hottest day

Today is supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far.

What is everyone doing?

I'm exploring the Skipton castle woods in North Yorkshire. With my trusted camera.

  • Deciding that today would be a great day to get my eyes tested, then having a meltdown  half way through the test because of the heat, the noise in the waiting room and the fact they've just blown air at my eyes. Discuss!

    Is nerd wax really a thing. I love that its a thing!

  • Discuss!
    Is nerd wax really a thing. I love that its a thing!

    ...As Miss Elephant says, Yes it IS a Thing. And probably a very good Thing. And so I support that Thing, though I Myself am as yet uncertain if I can use the Things required to ascertain that that Thing is really as much a Thing as You ask...

    Here in London, to get a Thing it involves an awful lot of Things required to gain Things which aquire certain Things going towards Things then put onto the first Thing in order to purchase the Thing mentioned in My previous sentence, here. And then I can put that Thing onto My Spectacles, there, to see a whole lot of other Things which I shall not mention here as the the entire Thing I Post  would just become too confusing.

     Slight smile

  • Discuss!
    Is nerd wax really a thing. I love that its a thing!

    ...As Miss Elephant says, Yes it IS a Thing. And probably a very good Thing. And so I support that Thing, though I Myself am as yet uncertain if I can use the Things required to ascertain that that Thing is really as much a Thing as You ask...

    Here in London, to get a Thing it involves an awful lot of Things required to gain Things which aquire certain Things going towards Things then put onto the first Thing in order to purchase the Thing mentioned in My previous sentence, here. And then I can put that Thing onto My Spectacles, there, to see a whole lot of other Things which I shall not mention here as the the entire Thing I Post  would just become too confusing.

     Slight smile

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