Iam alone and need friends. please reply

Iam alone. I have 1 or 2 friends (online never met them). i want to make friends with other people with autism as being with other autistics and aspergers people  makes me feel comfortable. if that makes sense


I like talking about computers (such as the bbc b) or steam trains. clothes. eating out. cinema. cars. 

I want to be with other autistic people.

Iam 33 I live near evesham worcestershire.

is there anyone within 30 miles that wants/needs a friend that understands.

Mesage me or reply here

James :-) 

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  • I just accepted your pm. Just to warn you when I say occasionally I mean perhaps once a year tops. However, we might be in Worcester late August for my mother-in-laws birthday, it is still only a ‘might’ at the moment though. I also love drinking coffee :-) My hobbies and interests include running a beaver scout group; reading history books on Tudor and medieval monarchs and their courts; sewing jewellery with seed beads and I do like visiting castles, I visited Kenilworth twice in 2013, not long after I’d finished reading a book about the romance between Elizabeth 1 and Robert Dudley, which was apt. Are there any other good castles near Worcester?