What type of craft/making do you like?

Hi all,

I was inspired by a thread yesterday about knitting, to start a craft or making thread to see what people on here like to craft or make. I like to bead/make jewellery, the type I make is sewn out of seed beads, into a variety of patterns. Included are some photos of my latest piece, a necklace which took 12 hours! Please feel free to share your craft/hobby and a picture of your latest/favourite make if you wish.

  • Success!!!! I sorted the photos :-)

  • Oh wait, it’s finally ready to download my photos from my iCloud. We have progress!

  • Oh wow that sounds fantastic! The way I was taught, was using lead. You cut pieces of glass in different colours to make a picture. Then cut pieces of lead to fit between the pieces of glass. Then use solder and a soldering iron to fix the pieces of lead together thus fixing the pieces of glass in place. You can make quite big pieces using that method.

    photo editing is not going to plan, I keep getting ‘your photo and video library is being prepared’ on my screen Slight frown

  • It was a dog sitting in a field. It was so clever. You put coloured foil between sheets of glass to make the picture part - the dog. And then use layers of coloured glass to do the rest. Then it went in a hot kiln (is it a kiln for glass?). It comes out as a flat piece of glass with your image within it.

  • You’ve just reminded me of the stained glass course that I did years ago. I should probably get back into that too at some point as I have loads of stained glass; solder, soldering iron; lead; etc. Beading seems to have been the only hobby that has stood the test of time for me. What picture did you make out of glass?

    Good luck with learning more about photo editing. I’m less than amateur at photo editing so I’m hoping that sheer determination alone is going to get these photos sorted this evening! We shall see...

  • Usually birthday cakes. I don't do it very often because as much as I enjoy it, it's very stressful when it doesn't go to plan. Sweet making is something I've always wanted to try but never had a go at.

    It's a while since I've done any glass painting. I should get back into it really. It was mainly jars and glasses I painted. I also had some templates to go over on a plain piece of glass. I did a mini workshop once at a glass shop where they helped me actually make a picture out of glass. That was amazing. I'm a bit fascinated by anything glass.

    I'm only very amateur at photo editing but I'd like to learn more. I generally just edit photos I've taken, usually of landscapes or animals. Occasionally of people.

  • Cake decorating sounds fun. What sort of cakes do you decorate? I got a whole series of sweet making magazines the other year, still need to find time to make some more  of them. I did make some of the Irish cream truffles a few Christmasses ago to give as presents, they were super yummy!!

    I was really into glass painting several years ago. I should get back into it really as I have all the gear: glass paints, outline stickers and stuff.  Do you paint glasses/bottles of anything else?

    Photo editing is something that I am having to get into right now! Still having issues uploading pictures onto this website. Now I’m on a mission though!! Just downloading the iCloud for windows app onto my laptop so I can get the photos onto there and hopefully make them NAS forum worthy using the tips I got the other week on here. What sort of photos are you editing?

  • I have been through many crafts during my life. I'm not doing any at the moment which is probably a pity. I do do some cake decorating though. In the past I have done things like card making, cross stitch, modelling kits and my personal favourite, glass painting. Not really craft but at the moment I quite like editing photos.