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Camel milk

please can anyone tell me has someone tried camel milk for autistic child

if you how useful it is?

where to get it from in UK?

  • Am I the only one here taking this seriously?

    Camel milk has been an integral part of the nutrition of the nomads in Central Asia and the Arab countries as long as the camel itself: for more than 3000 years. Camel milk contains five times as much Vitamin C and ten times more iron as cow milk, but only half the fat. It is also rich in Vitamin A and some B vitamins like B1, B2, B12.

  • Am I the only one here taking this seriously?

    ...Just to offer some support to yourself, Sir...I take Threads seriously at first, but then sometimes I wait and see how others Post, and so then notice an 'angle' which did not occur to myself before...

    ...It helps me a lot if the OP replies as well, though...

    With regards to 'exotic' (uncommon) foods such as milk from Camels or Sheep or even ordinary Goats Cheese, I find that they are much the same: Milk is milk and Cheese is cheese, but this is because they are all "Standardised" to be similar to each other the End. 

    It is a pity. All that aside, you are correct of course. They DO have different benefits and Minerals, Vitamins, Molecules, etc. But Standardisation and Processing throws much of the benefits out of the window -- it is like the difference between eating Spinach and Lettuce, or Beef and Lamb. These are different and have different benefits.

    ...Bottom line is - No such thing as a "Cure for Autism", but Is such thing as a "Cure" for Allergies and Digestive-Discomfort!  I would drink Camel, Goat, Soya, Almond, etc. Milks, any day over non-stop enforced Cows Milk, Thanks!

    (Oops - That turned into a bit of a Rant. Sorry!)

  • I understand now that people are having a bit of a laugh.

    But one symptom of autism is taking things literally and unable to see the joke/humour.

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