NAS Forum - Long LogIns, Long Postings, Long Deletion

Another sort of "Maintenance" Thread from myself (unexpected)...

Anyone else here, experiencing "Log In" Times being too long, or "Logging In" is not happening at all?

And when typing in a Post/Reply/Response... it does not go through?

...The thing is, any Person has to state these things (or start a Thread about them?) before "NAS" notices them, and that is why this Thread is begun...

  • It's just taken me 30 seconds to log in.

    Now, if I'm starting a thread or writing a reply, before I click 'Post' or 'Reply', I always copy what I've written to my clipboard so that I can paste it if things don't work.  For replies - if the reply is taking ages to be posted, I simply copy it, then come completely out of the thread and back to the main page.  Sometimes, it shows that the reply has been posted anyway.  If not, I simply go back in and 'paste' it again.  This prevents the risk of duplication.

    It's a nuisance, though.  Another thing I've noticed is that I often get a pop-up saying that I've gone offline and the site is attempting to reconnect.  Sometimes, this can take ages.  What I usually do then is leave the forum, then re-open it.  That generally seems to make it reconnect.

  • yes I've had exactly that issue for a couple of days, and I copy and paste like you say.

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