NAS Forum - Long LogIns, Long Postings, Long Deletion

Another sort of "Maintenance" Thread from myself (unexpected)...

Anyone else here, experiencing "Log In" Times being too long, or "Logging In" is not happening at all?

And when typing in a Post/Reply/Response... it does not go through?

...The thing is, any Person has to state these things (or start a Thread about them?) before "NAS" notices them, and that is why this Thread is begun...

  • Greetings Mr.Webster... I know my posting that last thing there, was a longshot. As if for Proof, There was a Thread where there was a similar error, but only now do I see it as 'locked' a long time ago: I cannot Post upon it to see if the Errors it gave are still there. Thus, in any case, as you say...

    We can really only wait to see if others report the same thing.

    ...This is fair enough. (& 'Cassandro' is Offline for a long time, now.) Well - Good Job, and still Good Fortune to All anyway.

  • I can't recall anyone posting such a problem. I think there might have been one case where someone realised that keeping the home page, or a forum list, open means that it doesn't update of course - until it's reloaded or refreshed. So, for example, if your habit is to open the home page, and from there open threads in new tabs, you won't see new threads in the list because you're not refreshing that list. I don't think we've had actual reports of missing threads though.

    I can see that it's hard to be certain of these things, and certainly to provide evidence such as screen shots. We can really only wait to see if others report the same thing. However, because this is a pretty-standard system, it would be reported by other sites using the same software as well.

  • must admit I didn't notice this thread when I was logged on here earlier......

  • Hi... Me, Here again, and uncertain this time... has anyone else had this next problem, or is it just ' my own old devices' again? It is not new, but it sort of makes me question what I recall here upon this Forum. 

    Sometimes, in Recent -and- down in the History, A Thread does NOT appear. At all. Yet one day, I may log on, and *Then* I see a distinctive Thread, or a Thread begun by someone in whom I have an interest... But it was begun a couple of hours or days ago. Yet I could swear that I had not seen it before then. (After replying or voting, it stays put.)
    ...That this happens so often is why I am asking if this happens to anyone else. I cannot see what to do about it or how to prove it, however, since I cannot Screenshot something which is not yet there... :-/
    (I get less opportunity to log on lately, and right now, I am just confused as to what to say, since Threads suddenly appear after a Week, full of answers already, so I know not what to Reply...)
    Happy New Year Everyone anyway...

  • ...I do not get much chance to Log In lately, and so I only recall this (Thread) now. Martain Tom here, and others in other Threads, have said as I said there, about Writing first then Posting after.

    ...But I did want to Thank You, Mr Webster, for fixing the Pictures and Disappearing Messages problems.

    ...I am Thanking You Just in case your job seems like a "Thankless Task" or something...Although some of us may come across as 'moany-old-so-and-so's... or something (!)...

    So many things, so little time... Notifications, Re-Branding, Spam, and so on... Come what may - I mean to say - A Happy New Year to You, Mr.Webster, and to NAS as well...!

  • yes I've had exactly that issue for a couple of days, and I copy and paste like you say.

  • We are working on this issue. I'm sorry that it is taking time. Regarding long messages, DC's advice is good, and I agree that it applies to any forum.

  • It's just taken me 30 seconds to log in.

    Now, if I'm starting a thread or writing a reply, before I click 'Post' or 'Reply', I always copy what I've written to my clipboard so that I can paste it if things don't work.  For replies - if the reply is taking ages to be posted, I simply copy it, then come completely out of the thread and back to the main page.  Sometimes, it shows that the reply has been posted anyway.  If not, I simply go back in and 'paste' it again.  This prevents the risk of duplication.

    It's a nuisance, though.  Another thing I've noticed is that I often get a pop-up saying that I've gone offline and the site is attempting to reconnect.  Sometimes, this can take ages.  What I usually do then is leave the forum, then re-open it.  That generally seems to make it reconnect.

  • I think most of us have this issue. It is -$&@)( annoying. It seems connected to certain times of the day - sometimes. 

    I have issues logging in, replying (the eternal everlasting dots), and so on. It is so tiresome that often I simply give up.

    And sometimes a reply does come through and it is not in the right place, or it appears twice.

  • ( At risk of jinxing this Thread by Replying first to myself (!), I should say this to anyone who Posts anywhere at all.

    ...If your Post/Reply becomes long, then take it off here and Copy it to another Program - a Notepad or other WordProcessor Program instead. Then finish/Save that, and then Copy it and then Paste it into the NAS Reply Box here. In short: 'Write' it elsewhere, 'Paste' it here in NAS...! )