NAS Forum - Long LogIns, Long Postings, Long Deletion

Another sort of "Maintenance" Thread from myself (unexpected)...

Anyone else here, experiencing "Log In" Times being too long, or "Logging In" is not happening at all?

And when typing in a Post/Reply/Response... it does not go through?

...The thing is, any Person has to state these things (or start a Thread about them?) before "NAS" notices them, and that is why this Thread is begun...

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  • ...I do not get much chance to Log In lately, and so I only recall this (Thread) now. Martain Tom here, and others in other Threads, have said as I said there, about Writing first then Posting after.

    ...But I did want to Thank You, Mr Webster, for fixing the Pictures and Disappearing Messages problems.

    ...I am Thanking You Just in case your job seems like a "Thankless Task" or something...Although some of us may come across as 'moany-old-so-and-so's... or something (!)...

    So many things, so little time... Notifications, Re-Branding, Spam, and so on... Come what may - I mean to say - A Happy New Year to You, Mr.Webster, and to NAS as well...!