A Random Topics Thread Where I Can Post Whatever I like Whenever I Gain Opportunity Or I Reeeally Feel Like Sharing It Upon The Internet

...This Thread "does what it says on the Tin", there. To be honest, I was just fed up of there being no 'Random Topics' Threads anymore, and I also miss the "Did anything Good Happen Today?" Threads, totally. 

So this is my own Thread... And I myself, as a Winged Were-Cat forced to live in a Human body (!), am starting this Thread... into which I shall put absolute Miscellany... So There, Nerrr.

Beware the Chaos. And Science. And lack of End Dates. Yet, As Always - Good Fortune to all who may read (When I can spare the Energy!)...

  • Greetings to All.

    Last Week, There were New NAS Notices, on the Home Page, before and after 'Sign-In's...
    NAS have slightly changed their Home Page Notices. They have added a bit more description upon how to use the Forum after Signing-In. (Yes, well, Nicely Done, NAS, every little helps.)
    ...Before The Sign-In, they have added:
    "Please check the rules before posting - including why we cannot accept research and survey postings."
    ...Anyone New, Please note that.
    And also note: NAS also does not like persons to Post "Identifying Information" about themselves...Yet I for one have noticed that this has happened a LOT in December/January - People posting real photographs of themselves, that is. It has happened so much that NAS does not seem to censor it anymore. But they WILL always Censor the FULL Name (the Surname, usually), so anyone reading, do please obey the rules.

    ...All in all, this means... that I cannot ask how many other persons here apart from myself, change into a Winged Were-Cat upon the the Full Moon, since that would be a 'survey', Darn it (!). But I *can* at least Post the following picture of myself here:

    ...As you can see, I am Dark, and I am perched upon a Tall Spire. My Wings are folded, since, once I spread them, people always notice me; yet for this shot I wanted to get a clear picture of just myself alone, to Post in this Thread. (Living in a City means that being left alone is not easy to do.) Hope anyone understands... & Good Fortune to You!

    Have a Nice Day, All! :-)

  • A self portrait.

    This is how I looked when I had a bad reaction to medication.  The red spots/hives appeared overnight and took a couple of weeks to disappear.

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