A Random Topics Thread Where I Can Post Whatever I like Whenever I Gain Opportunity Or I Reeeally Feel Like Sharing It Upon The Internet

...This Thread "does what it says on the Tin", there. To be honest, I was just fed up of there being no 'Random Topics' Threads anymore, and I also miss the "Did anything Good Happen Today?" Threads, totally. 

So this is my own Thread... And I myself, as a Winged Were-Cat forced to live in a Human body (!), am starting this Thread... into which I shall put absolute Miscellany... So There, Nerrr.

Beware the Chaos. And Science. And lack of End Dates. Yet, As Always - Good Fortune to all who may read (When I can spare the Energy!)...

  • Is is anyone else here old enough to remember the random goodies we got in Jamboree bags? I remner some very hard 'chalky' sweets, I think the bags contained mottoes too...

  • You can still buy these, they are called "Lucky Bags". Harder to find now, since poor old ToysRUs closed down (another new Thread idea for me, there!)...

    Lucky bags contain cheap sweets and colouring pages and other promotional items. The one I have latest is "My Little Pony"... but usually one can just buy the magazine and get the same things (book samples, colouring, stickers, sweets, toy, or whatnot).

  • You can still buy these, they are called "Lucky Bags". Harder to find now, since poor old ToysRUs closed down (another new Thread idea for me, there!)...

    Lucky bags contain cheap sweets and colouring pages and other promotional items. The one I have latest is "My Little Pony"... but usually one can just buy the magazine and get the same things (book samples, colouring, stickers, sweets, toy, or whatnot).
