Doctor Who

I have loved Doctor Who.  The old episodes and the newish ones. 

But I am not a fan of the new series. I have no problem, NO problem with a female Doctor. But the new series is not great. The Rosa Parks and Partition episodes were ok.

Weirdly, if you take the sci-fi out if those episodes and with a little tinkering, they would have been VERY FINE stand alone dramas.

However, it’s all a bit bland.  Is it the writing? Is it too much change? Should we have had more familiar aliens ie Daleks etc to ground the new Doctor in? More peril? Is it too real? Too educational l (one episode the phrase “remember you NVQ Pensive), too many companions? One surely is enough.

At the moment from episode 1, it has lost around 3 million viewers. 

So what do you like? What do you dislike? What could be done better? 

  • I am a big fan of Doctor Who!! I love the whacky, sometimes serious and totally amazing personality and traits of each and every Doctor. I think I love most of all how much exploring and seeing the Doctor does, and the Tardis is just amazing, what a great idea that was. I do a lot of writing and a lot of the time my main characters are based on the Doctor, a man or woman who has a big heart and is only there to lend a helping hand, and sometimes a sacrifice if things get too bad. I find the show relaxing and inspiring and that hasn't really stopped with the 13th Doctor...

    I think she is quite an entertaining Doctor. She has a caring nature and a sort of mother's temper which she's let loose a couple of times. I also like her bubbly personality, we saw a lot of that in Ker-Blam! (my favourite episode so far!). There is a certain feel to me like she's not very Doctorish at times but that's more likely down to the script and writers, you act how you're written to act so I put it down to that. She's only as good as her script and so far, I am loving it!

    I can't wait to see what else they have in store for us.

  • I agree with what you say - I'm also looking forward to what comes next. I don't think there is a Christmas special this year, it's a New Year one instead. That is a bit of a shame I think (if I am right, I might be wrong!) 

  • No you're right, the Christmas special has now become a New Year's Day special which I think is a bit of a shame. It was a good tradition having it on Christmas Day, but I guess they feel new Doctor Who so new Christmas special date?

  • Good point I often get a bit fed up on New Year's Eve and feel quite depressed by New Year's Day - the Doctor Who special will be a good start to 2019. 

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