Doctor Who

I have loved Doctor Who.  The old episodes and the newish ones. 

But I am not a fan of the new series. I have no problem, NO problem with a female Doctor. But the new series is not great. The Rosa Parks and Partition episodes were ok.

Weirdly, if you take the sci-fi out if those episodes and with a little tinkering, they would have been VERY FINE stand alone dramas.

However, it’s all a bit bland.  Is it the writing? Is it too much change? Should we have had more familiar aliens ie Daleks etc to ground the new Doctor in? More peril? Is it too real? Too educational l (one episode the phrase “remember you NVQ Pensive), too many companions? One surely is enough.

At the moment from episode 1, it has lost around 3 million viewers. 

So what do you like? What do you dislike? What could be done better? 

  • I realise that it’s just me on this feed, but I just saw a trailer for this week’s on YouTube. Guess what.... it felt like the old DW. 

    Jodie’s Doctor feels more settled and like the Doctor.  I just hope It hasn’t been set up for fall. 

  • That's encouraging - with previous Doctors I've often only really accepted them in the role after a few weeks. Regarding Jodie starting to seem more like the Doctor, this could even be intentional on the part of the scriptwriters. I'm still trying to get used to DW being on Sunday. In my mind it is still a Saturday thing! 

  • That's encouraging - with previous Doctors I've often only really accepted them in the role after a few weeks. Regarding Jodie starting to seem more like the Doctor, this could even be intentional on the part of the scriptwriters. I'm still trying to get used to DW being on Sunday. In my mind it is still a Saturday thing! 

  • I think a lot of it has been the writing. At the beginning, I think, they wanted something completely new. But didn’t know what.

    Hence why the series has been so uneven. I like to think or hope they realised you need to refer back to previous series or it’s just another sci-fi show.

    Watching the YouTube clip was the first time I connected with Jodie’s Doctor. Her reactions to her delivery was what done it for me.

    Fingers crosses.