New friend

I was bored and not happy here

Parents Reply
  • Can I ask why you decided to join a public online community then? Please don’t take offence at that. There are lots of people here to talk to and be potential friends with. We support each other’s and are all lovely 

    ...I am Posting earlier than usual, and replying to California, yet Quoting Elephant-In-The-Room...

    I do not know about the rest of you, but for me, "Rachael" is posting here as kind of CREEPY...

    Mr. California, you are totally correct to be cautious - do NOT exchange EMails or personal details... this person seems to be stalking you. And That "she" can respond to what Elephant warns against (about breaking Community Rules)... indicates that "she" is not as much restricted by language as may be implied by the responses. Also heed what Mr Robert123 says:

    "The danger is that private messages can be copied and pasted into the public forum.

    On the internet there is no privacy"

    ... this is totally True!
