A complaint free world

Has anybody taken the complaint free challenge? 

The challenge is, to get to 30 day’s straight of not complaining. You have a wrist band and start with it on one wrist and every time you catch yourself complaining, you switch the band to the opposite wrist until you have had it on the same wrist for 30 days. 

It can be fun to do it with other people but the thing about that is, if you notice the other person complaining, and they don’t notice, if you tell them, you have to switch your band as well! Lol! I’ve been in that dilemma a few times lol! 

Like the Four Agreements though, if you implement the suggestions in the book, it’s a game changer and can lead you to eternal happiness with some fun along the way. 

For those who don’t already know, what do you think the average length of time is for people to make it to 30 days straight? 

  • Once again, I am very sorry for the unpleasant and downright ugly comments I made to people.

    Greetings to any who Read. I Post here and leave it to stay, finally.

    I have been here only Five Months (<>), and at last I see my own record of having "3 dislikes" broken. Never have I seen a Thread where all were so quick with the "dislike" button as with the "like" button... And so I shall admit that I have been voting *both* ways for many replies here. (Hint: I have never ever disliked anyone here. I know how it feels, thus I do not do it except versus obvious SPAMMING.)

    To BlueRay... I was going to write something else here, but then my EReader slipped up and sent you a message incomplete - !!! This Internet/Forum is so annoying at times... yet, to an end, I meant to ask you to please Post the Exact Title and Author and ISBN concerning this "Book" to which is referred so very much. "The Four Agreements" as an Internet Search, Brings up a lot of Books with quite a few differing Authors and views/approaches to the same subject...

    ...Thank You Kindly. And do Please keep on being Strong and True. (Sorry I do not Post hugs or kisses, yet I do mean what I try to say sincerely anyway.)

  • I didn't even notice there were vote up/down options, too simplistic for my liking, things are seldom so clear cut.

    Personally I can't stand self help books, the few I attempted to read I found tedious and patronizing. I prefer to look for enlightenment in a bottle of booze rather than the inane psycho-babble of a self help book.

  • I didn't even notice there were vote up/down options, too simplistic for my liking, things are seldom so clear cut.

    Personally I can't stand self help books, the few I attempted to read I found tedious and patronizing. I prefer to look for enlightenment in a bottle of booze rather than the inane psycho-babble of a self help book.

  • I was the same for many years. Several doctors, nurses and a psychiatrist agreed as well that the booze and the drugs were giving me more help than they could and it was way less harmful in so many ways than the help they could provide. They actively encouraged me and kept me out of services, which in their eyes at the time, was the best option for me ~ I didn’t know what the impact ‘being in services’ meant  at that time, but I trusted them and they turned out to be right. 

    My friend was just saying, a couple of days ago, how she never identified with people in the rooms (AA/NA) when they spoke about how terrible their lives were when they were drinking and taking drugs, because we had a great time. And even when we weren’t having a great time, the drink and drugs consoled us and supported us. 

    I still love heroin to this day and I’ll always be grateful to it. But I found that same level of freedom and peace by other methods and heroin is too good for me to only take now and again, so I simply live with fond memories and gratitude for it. 

    I have family members and friends who still use alcohol and drugs and I support them. I didn’t get clean because I thought drugs and alcohol were or are bad or that I shouldn’t use them, but because I wanted to do different things with my life. When my son got to 18 I decided I would start travelling and live a nomadic life which called for me to stop using the drugs and alcohol but I agree completely, it is absolutely the best thing for some of us sometimes and for some of us, all of our lives. Robbing chemists was the best because then we got the pure stuff that the doctors like to keep from us but that got more difficult with the new ways drugs were being stored etc. I have fond memories of those days and I wouldn’t say life was any easier or better or worse now, it’s just different, although with much less drama! Lol! 

    Most of my closest relationships are with people that some call alcoholics or drug addicts. To me they’re just my friends and they’re not those things. They are way more than that. The drugs and alcohol are simply their chosen method of being in the world which, for them, is better than the other alternatives they currently have at their disposal. 

    I stopped to help a man the other day who looked like he was in distress. My friend who was in the car with me didn’t want me to stop. He said this person could stab me! I said he can barely stand up, I doubt he had it in him to attempt to stab me. 

    I’m so glad I stopped because it was one of my good friends. He was simply out of his head on drugs and booze but he was ok and we had a good catch up and we went on our ways. It was lovely to see him. 

    I agree, booze is helpful to a lot of people. Like anything, it’s not good for everybody and for those who need help to get off it, it’s there but there is currently less support for  people who don’t want to get off it (although it’s there) and nobody has the right to judge or condemn a person for their choices. We’re all just doing our best in the way that works best for us.