A complaint free world

Has anybody taken the complaint free challenge? 

The challenge is, to get to 30 day’s straight of not complaining. You have a wrist band and start with it on one wrist and every time you catch yourself complaining, you switch the band to the opposite wrist until you have had it on the same wrist for 30 days. 

It can be fun to do it with other people but the thing about that is, if you notice the other person complaining, and they don’t notice, if you tell them, you have to switch your band as well! Lol! I’ve been in that dilemma a few times lol! 

Like the Four Agreements though, if you implement the suggestions in the book, it’s a game changer and can lead you to eternal happiness with some fun along the way. 

For those who don’t already know, what do you think the average length of time is for people to make it to 30 days straight? 

  • How about taking the challenge and complaining at every opportunity and see if you can keep up the complaints for thirty days solid. 

    I  usually succeed at this, but can anyone else?  If you do succeed wear a badge with pride to say that how much better you are for complaining, it is guaranteed to be good for the soul and for those who never complain they will never know how good it does feel!  It leads to an inner acceptance that the world is a place that needs so many tweaks and changes and gives a great sense of purpose.  You will realise how unfulfilled those who never complain must be even if they do not realise it.

    Go on, give it a go!

  • How about taking the challenge and complaining at every opportunity and see if you can keep up the complaints for thirty days solid. 

    I  usually succeed at this, but can anyone else?  If you do succeed wear a badge with pride to say that how much better you are for complaining, it is guaranteed to be good for the soul and for those who never complain they will never know how good it does feel!  It leads to an inner acceptance that the world is a place that needs so many tweaks and changes and gives a great sense of purpose.  You will realise how unfulfilled those who never complain must be even if they do not realise it.

    Go on, give it a go!

  • I feel genuinely saddened by your attack on me Trainspotter. I put up a post to share with people one of the books/methods that has helped me (and millions of others) to achieve happiness and freedom from our struggles. If people aren’t interested in trying it, that’s ok but I don’t know why they have to attack me. You haven’t even read the book. I honestly don’t understand it. The other two attackers don’t bother me, they don’t appear to have a good bone in their bodies or a decent brain cell between them, so they don’t bother me in the least, but I am genuinely saddened and taken aback by your attack on me. 

    I don’t need to give complaining a go. Until I realised the benefit of not complaining, I was like most people, I complained, and I most certainly wasn’t happy. Finding the book was a tremendous gift to me, it was a huge turning point in my life. I bought a few dozen of the wrist bands and several copies of the book and I give them to people as gifts because I don’t like to see people suffering when I know there’s a way out of it. This book/method helps millions of people all around the world, to come out of their suffering. 

  • I've got a reputation at work for being a complainer.  But then, there's so much to complain about.  Sloppy colleagues, spending more time with their phones than with the task in hand.  Managers who refuse to step in and make proper decisions.  People who leave their crap lying around for others to deal with.  And people who are just generally sloppy, and don't seem to care about doing a job properly.  Then they go on about how 'unproductive' we are as a nation.

  • & the badge comes with the added bonus of being honest about it   :)