
I don't think I 'get' celebrity culture. 

I can think of some actors who are (fairly) consistently good at playing a diverse range of characters, if I hear they're in a movie I might consider watching it for that reason, but I don't think I'd be particularly interested in meeting them / having something signed by them / owning something they once did, or any of the other things I hear of people doing re. celebrities. Similarly singers / musicians, authors, scientists, or any others. 

I would be interested to speak to some authors about a book of theirs I might have read, or scientists about their work, but I think only if I happened to meet them. I cannot imagine travelling across the country specifically for that purpose! Most of the people I would REALLY like to talk to about their field of work are historical figures anyway. I just have no interest in them as generalised people, it's their work / whatever they're probably famous for, that I'd be interested to talk to them about and I can't understand why I would be interested in a 'selfie' with them! 

Do others here feel like that? 

I have met some famous people and ... they were just people, of course. With some, not all, it was a surprise to see them but I didn't think of stopping to chat with them or anything. Seeing them was an interesting aside to the day but I felt the exact same thing when I took my daughter to see 'Santa Claus'. I do admire certain people for the things they have done but, again, the same can be said for many of the people I see on a regular basis and they're not famous at all. I'd go to a concert to hear someone I admire but I wouldn't think to hang around after on the off chance I might see them - what for? It puzzles me.     

  • Hi Endymion,

    I don’t get the celebrity thing either. It seems to be a 'whole world’ that I am not a part of.

    I appreciate really talented writers and actors as their skills bring stories and films to life for me. But generally, I am not interested in their private lives.

    The rest of the ‘Celebrity Culture’ on T.V, in the media and in magazines…I tend to find largely ignorant and grotesque. And the nature of many of today’s t.v programmes just makes me really concerned about the future of the human race, both intellectually and ethically.  

    I therefore don’t watch much t.v, other than the occasional documentary or film; I much prefer to read instead, books are my life.    

    I have found in the workplace that a whole lot of ‘bonding’ between people seems to go on over celebrities’ behaviours, fashions, and t.v programmes, like Big Brother. But if having to watch an episode of Big Brother is the only way I am able to find a commonality with those I work with, I would much rather remain the outsider thank you! Haha.


  • Are you suggesting that the majority of the human race get their education, their ethics and morals etc from the media? 

    I’m glad you were able to find other ways to bond with your colleagues other than tv programs etc, although I do find it interesting listening to some of the things people talk about that is on tv, it doesn’t make me want to go and buy a tv or anything but I do enjoy listening about some of the things that are on tv from the people who watch them. I think I’d invite myself round to someone’s house though who had a tv so I could watch something if that was a way of making connections and bonding with my colleagues. I’d much rather work in a harmonious environment than be an outsider, you’re much more hard core than me! Lol! I try to create harmony at work as being the outsider wouldn't really work for me, but I admire people like yourself who just get on with it and sod the rest :-) I bet it’s a very peaceful way to be. I’d just leave if I could t get on with my colleagues. I’m a ***, definitely not hard core in that respect. 

  • Are you suggesting that the majority of the human race get their education, their ethics and morals etc from the media? 

    I’m glad you were able to find other ways to bond with your colleagues other than tv programs etc, although I do find it interesting listening to some of the things people talk about that is on tv, it doesn’t make me want to go and buy a tv or anything but I do enjoy listening about some of the things that are on tv from the people who watch them. I think I’d invite myself round to someone’s house though who had a tv so I could watch something if that was a way of making connections and bonding with my colleagues. I’d much rather work in a harmonious environment than be an outsider, you’re much more hard core than me! Lol! I try to create harmony at work as being the outsider wouldn't really work for me, but I admire people like yourself who just get on with it and sod the rest :-) I bet it’s a very peaceful way to be. I’d just leave if I could t get on with my colleagues. I’m a ***, definitely not hard core in that respect. 

  • The media has one purpose and one purpose only ~ to control the masses and the majority of people are most definitely controlled by the media. You only have to look at who owns the big media companies, the big names in the pharmaceutical and food industry’s. It’s not difficult to work it out but the media don’t care because they already have control of the majority of people and that’s good enough for them. 

  • Oh definitely, I agree with you totally, it’s all about rewards and costs. I just thought you meant you were one of those hard core ones that I see and admire who really can get on without the cooperation of an harmonious environment. 

    I see these people in my job as a social worker and mental health practitioner sometimes. They just seem to glide around, almost as if they’re walking on water or floating on air. They  cause no harm or offence to anybody but require no cooperation from the others. I love watching them, they seem to fill me with a sense of grace.  I’m far too much of a chatter box for that. Lol. 

    But I agree, I wouldn’t go to any lengths any more to prevent me from being the outsider. If it compromised my integrity or put too much pressure on me, I wouldn’t do that any more, although I have done it, many times, to some degree, and maybe I will again, to some degree, but I am more conscious of my own needs now so it wouldn’t be a regular thing. 

    I agree totally. It’s something that we each have to navigate to find the balance that suits us best. I’m getting closer to that balance and as I do, I see more of my contribution to it and how I have often neglected that side of it. I think I’m a lot gentler and kinder to people these days and I’m more able to cultivate good friendships and although I am enjoying other people more than I did, I still like my own space. So yeah, it’s currently ongoing for me but I do sense and feel that I’m getting closer to finding the right balance for me, although I may still have some trial and error to experience along the way. 

    For me, for sure, I have realised that the cost of not being me is a far higher cost than being an outsider. I have learned that through experience and it’s been a very good lesson for me to learn. I think I used to glide through my life oblivious to most things, which is how I prefer it I think, lol, but I do like having friendships and interactions with people and I accept my part in that now. 

    So yeah, from which ever way I look at it or from what ever level of existence, I would agree with everything you said but I still have this image of you going about your day, beautifully poised etc but almost detached from any hostilities. It reminds me of a woman I used to work with and I could sit and watch her movements for hours, I was mesmerised by her. The way she picked things up, made phone calls, the way she spoke, it was like there was no rush in her whatsoever. She was a fairly quiet person but I was totally mesmerised with her. I don’t know why, but thinking of you brings her image to mind. I haven’t thought about her in a long time. Thank you. Even thinking of her has a calming effect on me. 

    So I don’t know if your intent today was to bring a sense of calmness, lightness and fun into my life today, but you did. Thank you. I trust you have a lovely day as well. 

  • I’d much rather work in a harmonious environment than be an outsider, you’re much more hard core than me!

    Haha, I am not hardcore in the least. Relaxed

    I suspect everyone wants to find friends and be valued for being themselves, and I am no exception. 

    However, sometimes, I think much in this life is about 'reward and cost' (and not in a monetary sense.) Sometimes to cost of fitting in, if it means you are not able to be yourself, are not valued for being you, can be higher still than the cost (pain) of being an outsider? 

    I guess this 'transaction' is something that each of us must continually navigate until we find a 'balance' which suits us best? 

  • Are you suggesting that the majority of the human race get their education, their ethics and morals etc from the media? 

    Not 'the majority' perhaps but I do think many seem to, yes.  

    And I would go further to suggest that the media has a phenomenal (and potentially damaging) influence, politically, ethically, morally and holistically, on society as a whole.

    And I believe that it would be very naive to imagine otherwise.