Asperges and Dating

What are your experiences with dating and do you find it difficult to maintain a relationship? I find communication hard sometimes and can come across cold.

  • I’m not into dating, it’s not my ‘thing’ and it never has been. I enjoy my own company although I do enjoy other people’s company, in small measures,  if they discuss what I want to discuss. I don’t find it difficult to maintain relationships, I have friends that I had as a child, but I do only see them or have contact with them every few years or so, so I guess that helps with maintaining them; I doubt I would maintain a friendship for very long with a person who wanted regular and frequent contact with me as I don’t enjoy frequent (in person) contact with anybody. I find communicating very easy and enjoyable, if the person or people I am communicating with are on my wavelength and even more so if they share my interests. I come across as cold to people who don’t understand me but then again, the majority of the poplulation come across as cold to me, so it works both ways. I find many people to be quite aggressive, even if it’s passive aggression and I find many people to be so attached to their ‘beliefs’ and their ideas of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ etc, that they are aggressive and violent even when speaking softly and politely, so most people just don’t do it for me, I find them highly uninteresting and I get bored i their company and fortunately for me, I enjoy my own company so it’s not a problem. 

  • I’m not into dating, it’s not my ‘thing’ and it never has been. I enjoy my own company although I do enjoy other people’s company, in small measures,  if they discuss what I want to discuss. I don’t find it difficult to maintain relationships, I have friends that I had as a child, but I do only see them or have contact with them every few years or so, so I guess that helps with maintaining them; I doubt I would maintain a friendship for very long with a person who wanted regular and frequent contact with me as I don’t enjoy frequent (in person) contact with anybody. I find communicating very easy and enjoyable, if the person or people I am communicating with are on my wavelength and even more so if they share my interests. I come across as cold to people who don’t understand me but then again, the majority of the poplulation come across as cold to me, so it works both ways. I find many people to be quite aggressive, even if it’s passive aggression and I find many people to be so attached to their ‘beliefs’ and their ideas of what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ etc, that they are aggressive and violent even when speaking softly and politely, so most people just don’t do it for me, I find them highly uninteresting and I get bored i their company and fortunately for me, I enjoy my own company so it’s not a problem. 

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