Opioid receptors and autism

Opioid receptors and autism are really interesting. For example alcohol causes an increase in endogenous opioids in the brain specifically b endorphin's which cause the activation of the ų opioid receptor which causes euphoria and social euphoria. Does this explain why alcohol makes me so euphoric. I feel on top of the world when I drink alcohol. Also ų opioid receptors cause enhanced social functioning. When we feel social acceptance our brains release the ų opioid in our brains which causes a rush of dopamine in the brains social reward cascade. Autistic people are said to have issues with the ų opioid receptor not working properly. Which all ties into autistic issues around finding social motivation, the ų opioid receptor also works with oxytocin (another hormone implicated in autism and social functioning and empathy). Does anyone else know anything about this? Has anyone else found that alcohol relives the pain of social situations? I feel like heightened pain when I look into someone’s eyes. It is painful for me, I am aware that it is for others too. 

  • Alcohol makes me throw up and gives me monsterous hot flushes, so I no longer drink it, I've always felt social pressure to drink alcohol, often more than I want, I actually prefered drinking alone as I could have A glass of single malt, not half the bottle, or A G&T or cider after a days gardening. I've never really enjoyed being drunk either and hangovers are awful, I was also getting more and more hungover after drinking less and less alcohol. Whilst I might of had some Dutch courage in social situations, it wasn't worth the hungover agony of going over every little thing I'd said and done looking for sticks to beat myself with.

    I can't have opiates, they make me hallucinate horribly, if I'm lucky then it will just be white noise in my head and before my eyes, even when they're shut, if I'm unlucky it will be full on hallucinations, that make me glad of my misspent youth, although the hallucinations are far worse than any I've ever had from any recreational drug. Doctors are terrified of me needing serious pain relief as there's nothing they can safely give me.

  • ditto the hallucinations - and self-destructive ideation. the codeine family of drugs as well.

  • Codeine is an opiate too.

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