My country is getting destroyed by England

Yesterday I was waiting for a train and someone walked in front of a train apparently. Delayed all the trains etc. man what a world truly. This country Scotland is a mess because of English imposed budget and funding cuts. So many days I see alcoholics and drug addicts on the streets it’s upsetting the damage that England is doing to my country. The sooner we leave England and create our own republic the better. I will see the day I am sure I will. I can’t wait. People walking in front of trains is not normal man. This cruel English government is really destroying us man. They just don’t let up at all. Then England is also full of right wing extremists like David Icke telling people that SNP wants to break apart Britain. Yes the SNP do want to do that and the sooner it happens the better! Break apart the union! I want my country to become a republic like Ireland. Enough is enough! We have had enough of English control and cuts to poor and needy people. England does nothing positive for Scotland. It’s like an abusive partner constantly hitting us with cuts. Man people are dying on the streets here in Scotland. England has cut funding to lots of support to autistic people across Britain and including Scotland. NAS you should really be campaigning for our rights as autistic people and should really be supporting Scotland becoming an independent republic too. Do away with Spectrum 10K too which is a eugenics programme created by a bunch of English professors who have never lived a day in the life of an autistic persons shoes. Why do they want my DNA? Probably so they can put it in a database and keep it there forever. I mean if a major autism study is coming out of England then yeh it just can’t be good can it? England doesn’t have a good track record of standing up for the poor, needy and ill. They won’t be getting my DNA and that’s for sure. The only person who will get my dna will be my partner to be and that’s it. 

  • This cruel English government is really destroying us man.

    I think you will find it is yourselves who are destroying yourselves - I was born and raised in Scotland and found it to be remarkably self destructive on a wide range of fronts in spite of there being so many wonderful people there.

    I note that the unemployment figures show that it is the Scots males who are becoming increasingly unemployed while Scots females are becoming less - in relation to their English counterparts. Maybe it is the women doing the destroying of your ideas or some other group - it was always the Scots way to blame others for our own downfall.

    taken from

    I want my country to become a republic like Ireland.

    You do not speak for the majority of Scots. The referendum demonstrated that and many polls taken since then back it up. When will you accept the facts?

    NAS you should really be campaigning for our rights as autistic people and should really be supporting Scotland becoming an independent republic too.

    No. A charity should not lend itself to politics.

    I understand your passion for the subject but there is a disconnect from the majority opinion and, alas, many of the facts so please don't push this more. Find something positive to put your energy into - maybe that DNA donation to take your mind off of this...

  • I think the referendum was particularly close wasn't it?

    The SNP also now lead Labour in Scottish Westminster voting intention polling again.  So disastrous is the Austerity economics pushed by both main parties at Westminster.

    And I believe the OP is free to post anything he likes on this forum.

  • The SNP has a small lead in the most recent polling, mainly because Labour is in the news and it isn’t, but it’s 15 points less than it used to poll, not even close to enough to dominate the Scottish parliament if we had a Holyrood election just now. Labour is in a difficult position while they try to figure out how to leave the mess they were left with. Time will tell if they do a good or bad job.

    But please remember that 25% more people voted against independence than for it and in all of the Scottish, UK, local and euro elections since, there has *never* been a majority vote for pro-independence parties.

    The original poster has repeatedly posted things that are provably, verifiably, untrue and which he hasn’t even attempted to justify. That makes his opinions risible.

  • I disagree that support for Labour is falling because they are in the news. It's because of their policies.  Reeves look set to continue cuts to government departmental spending.    I think Labour voters were expecting change. Naively in my view but that's what they were expecting.

    I don't think the Labour Party is a tough position at all.   I think the victims of their cuts will be in a tough position

    Mr Starmer is a position of his own choosing and I can't wait for his leadership of the Labour Party to collapse as it surely will.

    I hope the Chancellor wants to make those with the broadest shoulders pay more of their fair share. I will take that from her and then continue to try and move the party back to the left , where it belongs.

    Votes %
     Yes 1,617,989 44.70%
     No 2,001,926 55.30%

    This is the Scottish referendum result. Looks like a close run thing to me.

    Whilst the political reconstitution of New Labour continues to run, then support for the SNP will grow. Just as did last time  New Labour was in power

  • I disagree that support for Labour is falling because they are in the news. It's because of their policies.  Reeves look set to continue cuts to government departmental spending.    I think Labour voters were expecting change. Naively in my view but that's what they were expecting.

    I don't think the Labour Party is a tough position at all.   I think the victims of their cuts will be in a tough position

    Mr Starmer is a position of his own choosing and I can't wait for his leadership of the Labour Party to collapse as it surely will.

    I hope the Chancellor wants to make those with the broadest shoulders pay more of their fair share. I will take that from her and then continue to try and move the party back to the left , where it belongs.

    Votes %
     Yes 1,617,989 44.70%
     No 2,001,926 55.30%

    This is the Scottish referendum result. Looks like a close run thing to me.

    Whilst the political reconstitution of New Labour continues to run, then support for the SNP will grow. Just as did last time  New Labour was in power

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