My country is getting destroyed by England

Yesterday I was waiting for a train and someone walked in front of a train apparently. Delayed all the trains etc. man what a world truly. This country Scotland is a mess because of English imposed budget and funding cuts. So many days I see alcoholics and drug addicts on the streets it’s upsetting the damage that England is doing to my country. The sooner we leave England and create our own republic the better. I will see the day I am sure I will. I can’t wait. People walking in front of trains is not normal man. This cruel English government is really destroying us man. They just don’t let up at all. Then England is also full of right wing extremists like David Icke telling people that SNP wants to break apart Britain. Yes the SNP do want to do that and the sooner it happens the better! Break apart the union! I want my country to become a republic like Ireland. Enough is enough! We have had enough of English control and cuts to poor and needy people. England does nothing positive for Scotland. It’s like an abusive partner constantly hitting us with cuts. Man people are dying on the streets here in Scotland. England has cut funding to lots of support to autistic people across Britain and including Scotland. NAS you should really be campaigning for our rights as autistic people and should really be supporting Scotland becoming an independent republic too. Do away with Spectrum 10K too which is a eugenics programme created by a bunch of English professors who have never lived a day in the life of an autistic persons shoes. Why do they want my DNA? Probably so they can put it in a database and keep it there forever. I mean if a major autism study is coming out of England then yeh it just can’t be good can it? England doesn’t have a good track record of standing up for the poor, needy and ill. They won’t be getting my DNA and that’s for sure. The only person who will get my dna will be my partner to be and that’s it. 

  • Are you only adressing the male half of the population, man!

    Westminster governments haven't been that good for England either, or certainly not the bits of England outside the M25.

  • No. Man is a neutral term. It’s only male addressed if you take it literally. 

  • No. Man is a neutral term. It’s only male addressed if you take it literally. 

    Taking things literally is an autistic trait, so it’s generally best to try and avoid using language that could be misinterpreted in that kind of way ;)

  • Yeh that’s no worries I just struggle with social cues and stuff. 

  • I've recently told adult social care to 'do one'.. people have to be PAID to spend time with me..and it's not great for self-esteem..

    I'm very intense or display 'marked one-sided verbosity'..

    I've 'highly tangential thinking' they say..mmm.. not sure..

    Rather [at least in large part, I think] I hyper-associate† and hypo-associate [think things connected that aren't and miss connections that exist] and struggle to summate [am highly monotropic yet extremely distractable]..

    but I guess long, long autism assessments aren't long enough.

    †I used to call this 'topical bleed' before I found there's a term for it. Cheers.


    Yes I am very much the 'auto' [self-centred [not necessarily selfish [now I'm thinking of the food industry lo]]] part of autism as is evident.. and who wants to be with someone like that..


    Sorry if I've 'hi-jacked the thread'.. I think as I type/speak.. making the abstract tangible.. I call it 'concretising' [my neologism].. I'll try and fight impulsivity a little harder and be quiet now! ThumbsupSlight smile

  • Furry nuff [fair enough].. Hey I see one person once a month and send countless communications with no response so you are likely more able.. have a great day..

  • I think you could drop the last sentence entirely

    Thank you, but I'm happy with how I've expressed myself. The last sentence forms an important part of my explanation and, in closing, reiterates my intentions and apology.

  • I think you could drop the last sentence entirely though now I'm the critical one lol. Hey, I have to apologise a lot.. only trying to help [the last setence is unnecessary unless you mean to stress you take no responsibility for any upset which kind of negates the apology. If you wish to soothe relations primarily then I'd say drop the last sentence no matter your position... but I guess none of us are experts here.. doh!] Slight smile

  • Well sorry I can’t be perfect all the time.

    I'm sorry that I upset you. I wasn't criticising you, so please don't take it personally. My aim was only to explain / let you know, as not everyone (even among those of us who are autistic) is aware that taking things literally is a common issue for us. I did try my best to indicate my kind intentions by including a winking smile, and I'm sorry that you didn't take it in the spirit that I intended. 

  • Well sorry I can’t be perfect all the time.

    I'm sorry that I upset you. I wasn't criticising you, so please don't take it personally. My aim was only to explain / let you know, as not everyone (even among those of us who are autistic) is aware that taking things literally is a common issue for us. I did try my best to indicate my kind intentions by including a winking smile, and I'm sorry that you didn't take it in the spirit that I intended. 

  • Yeh that’s no worries I just struggle with social cues and stuff. 

  • I've recently told adult social care to 'do one'.. people have to be PAID to spend time with me..and it's not great for self-esteem..

    I'm very intense or display 'marked one-sided verbosity'..

    I've 'highly tangential thinking' they say..mmm.. not sure..

    Rather [at least in large part, I think] I hyper-associate† and hypo-associate [think things connected that aren't and miss connections that exist] and struggle to summate [am highly monotropic yet extremely distractable]..

    but I guess long, long autism assessments aren't long enough.

    †I used to call this 'topical bleed' before I found there's a term for it. Cheers.


    Yes I am very much the 'auto' [self-centred [not necessarily selfish [now I'm thinking of the food industry lo]]] part of autism as is evident.. and who wants to be with someone like that..


    Sorry if I've 'hi-jacked the thread'.. I think as I type/speak.. making the abstract tangible.. I call it 'concretising' [my neologism].. I'll try and fight impulsivity a little harder and be quiet now! ThumbsupSlight smile

  • Furry nuff [fair enough].. Hey I see one person once a month and send countless communications with no response so you are likely more able.. have a great day..

  • I think you could drop the last sentence entirely

    Thank you, but I'm happy with how I've expressed myself. The last sentence forms an important part of my explanation and, in closing, reiterates my intentions and apology.

  • I think you could drop the last sentence entirely though now I'm the critical one lol. Hey, I have to apologise a lot.. only trying to help [the last setence is unnecessary unless you mean to stress you take no responsibility for any upset which kind of negates the apology. If you wish to soothe relations primarily then I'd say drop the last sentence no matter your position... but I guess none of us are experts here.. doh!] Slight smile