My country is getting destroyed by England

Yesterday I was waiting for a train and someone walked in front of a train apparently. Delayed all the trains etc. man what a world truly. This country Scotland is a mess because of English imposed budget and funding cuts. So many days I see alcoholics and drug addicts on the streets it’s upsetting the damage that England is doing to my country. The sooner we leave England and create our own republic the better. I will see the day I am sure I will. I can’t wait. People walking in front of trains is not normal man. This cruel English government is really destroying us man. They just don’t let up at all. Then England is also full of right wing extremists like David Icke telling people that SNP wants to break apart Britain. Yes the SNP do want to do that and the sooner it happens the better! Break apart the union! I want my country to become a republic like Ireland. Enough is enough! We have had enough of English control and cuts to poor and needy people. England does nothing positive for Scotland. It’s like an abusive partner constantly hitting us with cuts. Man people are dying on the streets here in Scotland. England has cut funding to lots of support to autistic people across Britain and including Scotland. NAS you should really be campaigning for our rights as autistic people and should really be supporting Scotland becoming an independent republic too. Do away with Spectrum 10K too which is a eugenics programme created by a bunch of English professors who have never lived a day in the life of an autistic persons shoes. Why do they want my DNA? Probably so they can put it in a database and keep it there forever. I mean if a major autism study is coming out of England then yeh it just can’t be good can it? England doesn’t have a good track record of standing up for the poor, needy and ill. They won’t be getting my DNA and that’s for sure. The only person who will get my dna will be my partner to be and that’s it. 

Parents Reply Children
  • Yes I would raise your taxes. I think people on 80 grand a year can afford to contribute more to the exchequer.

  • I agree totally with your last comment.

  • I’m minded to agree.

    I worry as much as anyone what the budget will bring. Finance is one of my special interests - investing etc - and I’ve spent too much time recently watching and reading people predicting all sorts of horrendous tax grabs. None of us will know if any of it is true until the budget is revealed.

    But if people really do want more spending on, for example, the NHS, there are really only three levers - divert money from something else, raise taxes or borrow more. Borrowing more is pretty out of the question. Raising taxes threatens to stifle an economy spluttering back into growth.

    I’m not a fan of the current government but they were certainly the best option available to us and they have an unenviable task. We need to give them time to demonstrate their competence, or not.

  • Too many people are expecting , and in some cases belligerently demanding, too much too  soon. It will take time to sort the mess out. Having said that I'm not impressed by Labour's stance on welfare. It's pushed me into the 'At least they're better than' camp. It's the same area of policy I disagreed with New Labour on.

  • We’ll have to wait and see what they announce in the budget.

    YT said that funding had been cut. That was what I call “a lie”.

    If you know a way to magically provide more money to spend on everything then I’m sure Rachel Reeves would be all ears.

  • The block grant may have increased but Austerity continues under this government.  More cuts to Westminster departmental spending are planned in the budget.  Just because a grant is increasing with inflation does not mean it's enough for a populaces social needs.

  • That  just isn’t true.

    The Scottish govt’s funding comes from three sources:

    • Scottish income tax

    • The block grant from Westminster

    • Borrowing by the Scottish govt

    The block grant from Westminster had increased, not decreased.

    The SNP govt’s problems stem from them overspending. As noted by the Scottish Fiscal Commission:

    • £900m more on benefits than budgeted for, rising to £1.5bn a year in the next few years 

    • A council tax freeze announced by Humza Yousaf at an SNP conference without even consulting his own ministers or asking the civil service how much it would cost

    • Unbudgeted public sector pay rises
