New Here and Looking for Community and Resources

Hello! I’m new here, and I was only diagnosed about one and a half years ago as an adult. I experience a lot of social anxiety, but I really want to meet new friends in person, so I wanted to ask if there are any autistic groups in Scotland that meet in person? Also, does anyone know of any mentors in Scotland who does mentoring through home visits? Hope you all are well. I’m glad to have found this community.

  • It will depend on where abouts you live in Scotland. The big cities are catered for but smaller towns and rural areas that's a different story. I find that there are no resources in my locality hence getting some support from this forum. I do not think there is any joined up thinking in Scotland on this issue and as public funds are dwindling services for late diagnosed adults are seen as a luxury.

  • It will depend on where abouts you live in Scotland. The big cities are catered for but smaller towns and rural areas that's a different story. I find that there are no resources in my locality hence getting some support from this forum. I do not think there is any joined up thinking in Scotland on this issue and as public funds are dwindling services for late diagnosed adults are seen as a luxury.

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