Is this burnout? How to fix it?!

Hi all, I'm new here. 

I'm still in the process of a formal diagnosis much later in life. I'm still trying to get to a better understanding of my new normal instead of pretending I'm "normal"  

I'm a single mum, my kids are growing up and I'm 4 months into a full time customer services job after 15 years of only part time work. I scraped through the long group training weeks and team building hell and now I have to be happy and chirpy on the phone 8 hours a day to customers, group teams meeting and being fake/masking all day. Ive found it really rough. 

I have recently had to also deal with some pretty serious ongoing drama. Trying to stay afloat and balance it all but I'm about 14 hours deep into panic attacks today. Already petrified for clocking on again in the morning 

I guess what I'm trying to work out is if this is a burnout and it might pass with some self care and solitude or if I'm kidding myself that I'll ever survive this job.. 

Have any of you got past anything like this? 

  • Customer service is a tough environment for people like us. But, we have good analytical skills and machine learning ability. You have the tools you need to get through this, and a community here that's more than willing to offer support. As Herge says, recharging is important, but so is letting out that panic energy that builds up from the stress in your life. I find cooking very difficult. The last time I cooked, I let the mask off and expressed every bit of frustration and agitation the experience dealt me. By the time I was done, I felt like I'd just completed an intense workout routine from all the energy I let out.

  • Customer service is a tough environment for people like us. But, we have good analytical skills and machine learning ability. You have the tools you need to get through this, and a community here that's more than willing to offer support. As Herge says, recharging is important, but so is letting out that panic energy that builds up from the stress in your life. I find cooking very difficult. The last time I cooked, I let the mask off and expressed every bit of frustration and agitation the experience dealt me. By the time I was done, I felt like I'd just completed an intense workout routine from all the energy I let out.

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