Fake mental health case


My family have given a fake report to mental health and possibly the police. I fear for my life. What should I do?

  • you might try reporting your family to the police for controling behavior. If your dad is taking your phone off you to post things and spy on your usuage that might qualify? but if you are under 18 and they are wholely or partly responcable for looking after you this law may not apply?

    If you genuinly belive your life is in danger iminantly you should call the police (999). If you belive anything they are doing might amount to child abuse you should also report this to the police (101).

  • you might try reporting your family to the police for controling behavior. If your dad is taking your phone off you to post things and spy on your usuage that might qualify? but if you are under 18 and they are wholely or partly responcable for looking after you this law may not apply?

    If you genuinly belive your life is in danger iminantly you should call the police (999). If you belive anything they are doing might amount to child abuse you should also report this to the police (101).

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