Fake mental health case


My family have given a fake report to mental health and possibly the police. I fear for my life. What should I do?

  • you might try reporting your family to the police for controling behavior. If your dad is taking your phone off you to post things and spy on your usuage that might qualify? but if you are under 18 and they are wholely or partly responcable for looking after you this law may not apply?

    If you genuinly belive your life is in danger iminantly you should call the police (999). If you belive anything they are doing might amount to child abuse you should also report this to the police (101).

  • Dear NAS95862

    I'm concerned to read your post especially as you say you fear for your life. 

    The National Autistic Society does not currently operate a crisis or emergency service.
    We advise you to contact 999 or any of the mental health crisis lines listed on our Urgent Help Page if you or anyone else is at risk of immediate harm: https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/help-and-support/urgent-help

    You may find the following useful:
    Advocacy Services- Search online for ‘advocacy + [name of your Local Authority/Trust]’.

    Some autism friendly advocacy services are also listed on our Autism Services Directory www.autism.org.uk/autism-services-directory

    Social Care- find out how more about getting social care for adults and carers in each UK region https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/socialcare

    I hope this is helpful to you.

    Sharon Mod

  • I do want to add there might be a possibility to negotiate here. Helpful therapists can be found who can actually become an Advocate for us on our behalf. If your parents are "demanding" you get therapy for whatever reason (even if they're the ones who might really need it), this could work in your favour. You might be able to negotiate with them that you'll agree to go BUT you get to choose the therapist. And THIS is how the NAS can help.

    In the meantime, this community can also help. 

    When younger, we often find ourselves robbed of agency or personal power. Sometimes there is a way to deal with these situations which is the less of two evils. The last thing any of us want is to be institutionalised against our will. The step in between- a compromise where you keep a freedom and possibly end up with someone who can help you escape a bad situation. 

  • I know this sounds hard. But others here will have a better idea of how to help with a list of things. When I was younger I'd have a difficult time explaining how disrespectful others were to me.

    But a Long List of "incidents" will become Very Important in order for you to have a Justified Defence against the people who are supposed to help and nurture you. You'll need a long list (can you name 10 maybe)  and even a professional therapist will understand these false accusations. 

    There is complete anonymity here, which is often helpful. 

    Keep in mind, we won't know all the details of what's happening. So, for instance, can you change your password to your phone or do they have an app on it which grants them full access? What happens in your home and in exchange with them that has lead up to this point where they feel justified in this behaviour against you? Autistics are daily misunderstood and misrepresented. Often minding our own business when often experiencing sudden interrogations from others.

  • Ok my dad hacks my phone and uploads nasty images. He has been submitting false evidence to mental health.

  • Can you get legal help? 

    Help us understand how this was falsified. It will give us a better idea of how to help. What other things are happening which feel cruel and isolating?