How do you find talking to therapists?

For about maybe seven months now, I've been using BetterHelp for private therapy. I can't say I've found there to be any progress, though I'm not sure I'm going in with the right expectations. My therapist tries to get me to reframe my thoughts. Use less negative language, try to imagine more positive outcomes to situations, that sort of thing. "What would it be like..." is her common language for this. To which my response is often along the lines of "Well that would be unrealistic because xyz". She also tends to point out my "yets" as hopeful, despite my assurance that it's just to avoid an absolute statement. I can't tell if I'm being too rigid and set in my ways, if her approach is ill effective for autism, or a bit of both.

For anyone that uses a therapist, how do you find your engagements with them?

  • I've seen 2 trained therapists, and an untrained day centre worker who was supposed to help with my anxiety and lack of confidence/self esteem. The first therapist was foreign(European) with less than adequate  verbal skills. He came out with comments like 'All boys rebel against their mothers by the time they are 7'. I had a very disconcerting session where he said nothing to me and I couldn't initiate a conversation. That went on  for 20 minutes! Those sessions ended when I caught a bug/had flu and couldn't attend. My wife phoned on my behalf and was treated like crap. There was no way I was going back after that.

    The 2nd therapist hit me quickly with two major whammies (1) He was seeing me because the rest of the psych team were fed up with me (2) 'If you  want to be a good person..' as though I was a criminal type of person. What I needed and wanted was help to cope better with stressful situations.

    The third person,a woman, told me I lacked confidence and then oafishly went out of her way to criticise me. After 4 sessions or so she announced that she was a member of a 'small religious sect' . I   wrote several pages that were aimed at getting her to know me better, and stop the crap she'd been  coming out with . That offended her religious sensibilities, and she reported me to my care coordinator. That was an awful,psychologically triggering, situation, as thanks to an incident at prep school, when I was 9, being reprimanded or punished when I've done nothing wrong is a major trigger that has a bad effect on my mental well being.

    After all that I very much doubt I could ever trust another therapist/untrained 'therapist'.

  • That's awful! I guess I've been lucky with my therapists, apart from one. I think I probably subconsciously apply a very quick test. If they aren't actively listening and taking me seriously I'll pull the plug straightaway, as there's no way that would go anywhere. That happened once, when someone was more keen to lecture than to listen.

  • That's awful! I guess I've been lucky with my therapists, apart from one. I think I probably subconsciously apply a very quick test. If they aren't actively listening and taking me seriously I'll pull the plug straightaway, as there's no way that would go anywhere. That happened once, when someone was more keen to lecture than to listen.

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