Anxiety about spending money.

I don't know if this is an anxiety thing, an autism thing, or both, but i find that I go through I process every time I need to spend money. That process goes:

1. Write a list of everything I need to get before I go out.

2. Transfer a certain amount of money over for that trip.

3. Add everything up as I go so I know how much I'm spending.

4. If it goes over what I deem as "too much", go through the list and put thing back that "aren't important" until the number goes below what my brain thinks is acceptable to spend in one trip.

When I'm doing this, I tend to stand Infront of the thing I picked up, holding the item and flip-flopping between putting the item down and picking it back up, justifying both as I do so.

If I am going out with my sister/friend (I only have 2 friends, only 1 that lives near us, and they are technically my sisters friend more than mine) and I am doing this, when I decide I'm putting the item back, they will offer to pay for it, I will continue to flip-flop between it and they will then just put it in their basket. I then panic because it's "expensive" and they are spending their own money on me and they dont have to. They say it's fine and they want to treat me, but my brain doesn't let me be happy (I think I'm explaining it right, lmk if it doesn't make sense).

  • I have set a cap on what to spend e.g. up to £1. I don't spend a lot on gifts (birthday and Christmas); postage stamp have gone up. I only send stuff second class now in UK. I send images on WhatsApp and Facebook to save paper and postage.

    Unfortunately when we have visitors (on the annual visit); always paying for everything from trips, lunch and dinner. 

    Usually I do a stock take on everything what I've got. Limited myself to 3 colouring books and 3 puzzle books. 

    Had a friend who has got Adhd and stupidly got herself into debt and asked me for advice. Totally ignored me and used me. In the end I had to break up.

    Hope this helps you.

  • I have set a cap on what to spend e.g. up to £1. I don't spend a lot on gifts (birthday and Christmas); postage stamp have gone up. I only send stuff second class now in UK. I send images on WhatsApp and Facebook to save paper and postage.

    Unfortunately when we have visitors (on the annual visit); always paying for everything from trips, lunch and dinner. 

    Usually I do a stock take on everything what I've got. Limited myself to 3 colouring books and 3 puzzle books. 

    Had a friend who has got Adhd and stupidly got herself into debt and asked me for advice. Totally ignored me and used me. In the end I had to break up.

    Hope this helps you.

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