School distress

 Still not recovered from it nearly 50 years later. The bullying. #ActuallyAutistic #Schizophrenia #Schizoaffective I didn’t mention it to a MH pro till quite recently. I thought ‘It’s minor compared to physical/sexual abuse. I’m weak for not getting over it’

  • bobby_seagull asks: How are you feeling about the new school year? Growing up, did you feel nervous or excited going back? Best of luck from Mr Seagull to all students, parents & teachers and to all those back to work. You've got this.

    I saw the above on a social media site. I responded privately to friends:

    "Oh, I was so excited for the bullying to recommence, of course. Having had weeks of peace and quiet at home, albeit without any friends, I just couldn't wait to exchange that for months of incessant fear of psychological and physical bullying without respite."

    It's over 40 years ago, but affects me still.

  • bobby_seagull asks: How are you feeling about the new school year? Growing up, did you feel nervous or excited going back? Best of luck from Mr Seagull to all students, parents & teachers and to all those back to work. You've got this.

    I saw the above on a social media site. I responded privately to friends:

    "Oh, I was so excited for the bullying to recommence, of course. Having had weeks of peace and quiet at home, albeit without any friends, I just couldn't wait to exchange that for months of incessant fear of psychological and physical bullying without respite."

    It's over 40 years ago, but affects me still.

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