Anxiety is getting worse since Autism diagnosis

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I can't seem to stop that anxious feeling in my stomach, it seems it has gotten worse since I was confirmed as Autistic 2 weeks ago, I am on 90mg Duloxetine and I don't know why it's getting worse, it only stops when I'm sleeping but when I wake up, it returns.

Is this normal after a confirmed diagnosis, to be fair, all my life I was always depressed and very rarely anxious but since the Pandemic and current work issues, my anxiety seems to be playing a more prominent role in my life than it was before.

  • For me it was like a lightbulb moment, I've always been a "square peg" but at least I now know why. 

    We are all different. Have you spoken to your GP or MH people about adjusting your meds if you're not finding them effective, with duloxetine they can increase that dose quite a bit or switch it for something else entirely.

    Have you spoken to anyone regarding your diagnosis. I had an 8 week session with a phycologist and got everything out in the open, I found that beneficial.

    Easy to say and very difficult to do, try and find some quiet time, listen to some music, read a book, walk in the countryside, stay away from social media, news media etc. Trying not to overthink things is difficult, distraction is better.

    A diagnosis doesn't define you, it's just another label that you don't have to share with the world.

    Good luck and take care 

  • For me it was like a lightbulb moment, I've always been a "square peg" but at least I now know why. 

    We are all different. Have you spoken to your GP or MH people about adjusting your meds if you're not finding them effective, with duloxetine they can increase that dose quite a bit or switch it for something else entirely.

    Have you spoken to anyone regarding your diagnosis. I had an 8 week session with a phycologist and got everything out in the open, I found that beneficial.

    Easy to say and very difficult to do, try and find some quiet time, listen to some music, read a book, walk in the countryside, stay away from social media, news media etc. Trying not to overthink things is difficult, distraction is better.

    A diagnosis doesn't define you, it's just another label that you don't have to share with the world.

    Good luck and take care 

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