Covid Lockdown


I was wondering what people's experiences were during lockdown and whether this affected autistic individuals more so the neurotypical peers?

Thanks Slight smile

  • The peace and structure of not having to go busy places was good. However there was also fear of people not keeping to rules and what we should do if needed something fixing or medical help. Also there was concern over government making the right decision. It felt safer when masks became necessary. On the whole I settled to the situation which helped having family living with me. I might have found it harder if living alone. I also got into a habit of having a daily walk which I still do most days.

    The thing for me that was more challenging was when they started lifting the restrictions especially knowing there was still a risk and knowing people who died. I remember my first jab where we queued in masks and the time waiting with lots of people around was very difficult. I also think that ever since then mixing in groups has felt harder. It took me a long time to cope with going out and I think it has changed things.

  • The peace and structure of not having to go busy places was good. However there was also fear of people not keeping to rules and what we should do if needed something fixing or medical help. Also there was concern over government making the right decision. It felt safer when masks became necessary. On the whole I settled to the situation which helped having family living with me. I might have found it harder if living alone. I also got into a habit of having a daily walk which I still do most days.

    The thing for me that was more challenging was when they started lifting the restrictions especially knowing there was still a risk and knowing people who died. I remember my first jab where we queued in masks and the time waiting with lots of people around was very difficult. I also think that ever since then mixing in groups has felt harder. It took me a long time to cope with going out and I think it has changed things.

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