Covid Lockdown


I was wondering what people's experiences were during lockdown and whether this affected autistic individuals more so the neurotypical peers?

Thanks Slight smile

  • Hi again I Sperg

    You said "Has it always been this way? For most of human history we had no modern medicine, how ever did we get this far?"

    Because we have immune systems that learn to fight disease, and because a pathogen would die out if it killed all its hosts.

    Covid is a coronavirus - before it appeared there were 4 coronaviruses that would circulate every winter, causing cold/flu like symptoms, so I believe that most people's immune systems already had some "cross immunity"

    These are just my opinions as I'm not a scientist. I welcome information from anyone who does have real knowledge about this.

  • The inventor of the MRNA technology Dr Robert Malone told us that this was an inappropriate use of his technology, (And still does to anyone who will listen!)

    Given his documented expertise in the field, I chose his opinion over that of Dr Fauchi and the mainstream media. That's overly simplistic TBF,  I had a microbiolist to advise me and poseessed a level of knowledege above the average including Military NBC threat training, plus I was bonkers enough to see it as a problem that I had to personally handle. 

    All germ labs in films (and I believe also in real life), have a UV-C irradiated portal, in and out and where they change their clothes.

    The entry to a lot of UK houses is perfectly suited to being lluminated by a UV-C lamp, and the incoming post and parcels and stuff plus outer clothing can be screened by leaving the (cheap and easy to obtain) lamp on, and shutting the lounge door, in our case.

    My vaxxed and boosted partner (yeah those dicussions were fun, thank you government psyop for putting a bit of disharmony into our lives!) is the only vaxxed person I know, who didn't get covid, so the adjustments and decisions we made seemed to have worked fairly well.

    IN the last 40 years there have been, to my knowledge, 6 new deadly viruses "emerge from the wild".

    It seems a lot.

    Has it always been this way? For most of human history we had no modern medicine, how ever did we get this far? 

    And if in reality, it is as some wacky souls contest, these new virusees are being MADE, how do we stop people doing that? Clearly, it's a bad thing.... 

  • Thank you for that post - I found it very informative and I also don't know anyone who was vaccinated who didn't catch it.

  • I am very much the same as both an Irish patriot and a traditional Catholic and a huge supporter of the Irish truth and patriot movement - what was happening to innocent children was the source of my greatest heartbreak during this time, even though I don’t have children myself as an older gay man - I had a very strong sense and instinct that all forms of evil were very real and tangible and were very much active and present in our world during that time and I still believe the same things now, where evil in all its forms are very much in control of our world - I’ve always regarded this as a spiritual battle more than anything else but I’ve also come to realise that this spiritual battle is cross-generational 

  • Living alone in the U.K. and being seperated from family in Ireland, as previously mentioned, even though I have done so for a long time, made me realise how much that I needed my family, especially in a time of crisis like Covid, even though it turned out that they were in total denial about what was really going on, I still kept the lines of communication and dialogue open for them - aside from doing an online course and connecting with people online far more than in real life, where I’ve always had many friends around the world down the years, helped by the peace and quiet, enabled me to have really deep and meaningful conversations with my online friends, to really think carefully and to take stock of the direction in which our world was going, which also gave way to much self-reflection and informed my spiritual and prayer life 

  • Lockdown was the bomb. Under-crowded stores, people moving in single file while keeping a minimum distance, no pressure to go outside and socialise. Yeah I didn't have as much alone time as I did before and after, but it was also comforting in a way to know where my family was at all times. People explored new ways to occupy themselves. The education and workplace systems sure got a hard look after we found out how manageable working from home really was.

  • I'm doing O.K.-ish, thank you for asking! I live in a new normal now, where "Ask the Audience" is no longer my first go-to.

    The nature and progression of covid and several other costly notable large scale recent human failures just drove home to me how dim and unthinking most people are when faced with a survival issue. I'm deliberately choosing my words for accuracy over fluffiness, and I now understand much more clearly why people have lined up for the extermination camps, or killing fields in the past, which has always been a deep mystery to me.

    People, even Autistic people do NOT trust their own thinking, very often at all.    

    It's a bit scarier now I know how effective "depth manipulation" can be when it's weilders decide to push people to hate on a subgroup.

    I'd read about how it works in the book "The Hidden Persuaders", but it was awful to see it put to action.

  • How are you doing now? Have things returned to normal for you?

  • This year had the worst weather I've ever experienced. I think the Met Office said it was the wettest winter on record, and that was certainly my experience. Where I lived it rained every day from about September 2023 until May 2024. Summer was also mostly a washout and unusually cold - I had frosts until nearly June, and I needed the heating on a couple of times in June, which has never happened before. At the start of August I had to get the winter duvet out because I was shivering at night.

    It's a shame because it destroyed one of my hobbies - hiking. I know I could go out in the rain and when it's overcast, but it's all a bit depressing and I tend to just stay indoors. But I feel like I missed out on this year as a result.

  • To be honest, I quite enjoyed it. We literally just purchased a property to rent, it spent 2 months there with my tools renovating it. Getting materials from any shops I could, the restricted choice and hours made it a bit of a treasure hunt. We also had a lot of family time and we saved money. It did mess up Christmas though as we couldn't host our parents which was sad. So there were definitely pros and cons to it. We were lucky to be together and have nice walks everyday etc. I felt bad for people with young children in flats etc or who didn't want to be at home

  • Ok that angry emoticon is not supposed to be there, but every time I try to remove it, I get flagged for spam/abuseGreen heart

  • Welcome back, Uhane. I hope that had a lovely holiday.

  • I cant say why but I had this certainty, shall we say, that I would not get it and so far I haven't (that I know of). I'm not much of a mixer and not big on close proximity. I also was hesitant to, say, get in an elevator with other people or stand close by others in lines. but I've always been like that.

    I'm having fun on holiday BTW, doing many things and giving myself plenty of slop time many things that are, by nature, solitary, like museums and park walks. San Francisco is lovey this time of year.

    Tuesday I will go see the artist Goldsworth's work. It is in nature and made from nature. It is in the Presidio in the SE corner if you want to Google maps some images.

  • I enjoyed the COVID years very much as the crowds vanished. the islands were again paradisaical and the animals came out again. The beaches and jungle were pristine. the people were nice and calm with each other as it was all locals. We were all stuck in this no-fly in or out paradise. Only the barges and the supply flights were running.

    I got a lot of writing done and really loved toe peace and quiet!

    at one point they let us fly out and spent 3 weeks in San Francisco where it was also very quiet and every one very friendly and nice to each other. thye sealed the islands off again after I returned.

  • My experience was very different to most here it seems...

    Being an unapologetic user of alternative media I got the warning in january/february that china was grappling with a mystery disease. Then the videos came out with "people falling dead in the street", roads being blocked by buldozed piles of earth and emergency accomodation being built with locks on the outside.

    At this point I started becoming concerned, as my particular city was hosting a lot of chinese students. I deciede to learn as much as I could along it seemed with a lot of other people in the alternative media. 

    I got this in JANUARY2020

    This informed me that if I collected enough of the stats that were being published daily by the chinese and ratified by the WHO which showed total number of daily new infections and total number of covid deaths obver at least 14 days, I could clearly determine the lethality based on the figures given. it looked like 45% of peopel who cought this new virus DIED!!

    So I was kakking myself WAY before anyone else and GLUED TO MY SCREEN tryng to find out how was going to survive this new alledgedly genenetically engineered corona virus.. 

    Then the weird conspiracy theories started... Apparently this crossed over from bats at a low hygeine chinese food market. OR it was a dleliberate act of covert warfare released by the U.S. in an excercise in august/september 2019 OR it was originally made in fort detrick, shipped to a canadian lab when "gain of function was banned in the U.S. then stolen by a much publicised chinese female scientist who's name escapes me but I can picture her.

    I didn't care, all I wanted to know was, what t was, and how I was going to avoid being involved or infected.

    Around the time the public was fighting over bog roll, I was installing UV-C lighting, and planning how we would escape infection. I say WE because my other half had stopped criticising me for "being obsessed with silly conspiracy" and was actually stepping up to help me work the problem like a good 'un. 

    And it WAS a problem.

    Whoever engineered Sars Cov-19 had effectvely "weaponised the common cold". I checked with a friendly microbiologist that I had my facts right, because some viruses (like sars cov-19) simply cannot be effectively vaccinated against because of their high mutation rate. -As we saw play out...

    Lockdowns came,  and I was faced with another problem. I had bought a pie of land with the intent of working on it, and figured out that I could pretty much carry on with my life as normal if I just stayed well away from other people and carried my respirator in case anyone wearing a costume wanted a face to face debate about whilst I was not "sheltering in place". 

    It went generally well for me until SIX policemen showed up to investigate my bonfire... But no talk about "lockdown" oddly enough...

    Then I got the call form the government to do my bit for the nation* and they gave me a letter of safe passgae so my life effectvively went back to normal except I was working for the C.O. for a while, and driving a LOT on all those beautiful, empty roads.

    I relied hugeley on my UV-C light to screen all incoming post, deliveries and my outdoor clothing, of course, because I didn't want to catch Covid, and as it happened, my general helath vastly improved because I took anti-viral supplements as well. 

    The reason I was able to do this, and you were not, is explained in this post where Mark Zuckerberg explains how the good and useful information was made deliberately unavailable by means of overweening censorship which is now coming to light, as is the the nature of the  contents of those "shots" everyone was exhorted to take whilst a similar campagn was run to silence dissenting opions or even facts presented by very, very well informed and horrified scientists, including the original inventor of the technology that you were all mostly injected with.

    I was O.K. really with the lockdowns but when they started considering actual camps for the unvaccinated or door to door forced vaccinations then suddenly it got very real.

    Just to recap, (rom my semi informed perspective):

    Covid 19 appeared, then soon after fairly good evidence as far as I could judge was presented that it was a not-naturally occuring virus 

    No public safety measures such as banning air travel were immediately implemented so I knew it was COMING HERE. 

    Whilst I got MY ACT together, dug ut my NBC gear, boned up on UV-C lights and virusses plus the other survival stuff I needed, it was very obvious that teh GOV had no clue what to do or say. WOrse, it was obvious (confrimered later, when I worked for them!) that the government were operating from essentialy the same information I had, and not the pablum that was being made public. 

    From that point on it just got sillier and sillier. The masks were ONLY going to stop people coughing phlegm and droplets into the atmosphere, if you really wanted to be "safe" in the company of others you needed a full face canister type respirator... 

    WORSE, everyone I know who took the shot, immediately caught covid! (THAT was my experience, maybe it was anomalous..)

    Then you all started blaming people like me, calling it a pandemic of the unvaccinated etc. (I actually only know ONE person who is vaccinated and who didn't get Covid...) 

    Quite frankly that has affected me quite deeply.

  • That is interesting. I have found things I didn't have to do a lot harder since it was allowed again. I went from finding work getting harder before the pandemic to now I regularly work from home having to go into the office a huge challenge.

  • Irish, my first reaction when reading your post was to post a very rude reply, now having thought about it for a few momments I will post a slightly less rude one.

    I think your post is somewhat over done and you're letting your obession with military rule get away with you. We have a Labour run government in Wales and have for years, people with things like COPD could wear visors and they were sold on normal shops alongside masks and nobody batted an eyelid. There was nor were there any plans for people not being allowed outside or in their gardens. Seeing as we don't have compulsory ID cards in this country or any other part of the UK, then how could any be checked?

    I don't share your concerns about vaccines, I think they're a good thing, bu then I'm old enough to remember at least 1 child in every school year wearing built up shoes and calipers after getting polio, a friend lost a class mate to diptheria, I had mumps, measles and chicken pox all were horrible I was off school with measles when they were vaccinating everyone else. When I was a child there were no vaccines against mumps or chicken pox, I was very ill with measles and wouldn't want to see anyone let alone a child suffer like I did. Girls are routinely vaccinated against German measles as it can harm an unborn baby in the womb if the mother gets it. I was happy to have a covid vaccine, when I finally got them after being refused because of my many allergies. If Mpox becomes a pandemic I will happily be vaccinated against that too.

    I think people need to get a grip about vaccines and think about what life was like not that long ago, certainly within living memory when vaccines were literal life savers, I don't think we really want to go back to higher rates of infant and child mortality for things that can easily be prevented. I think fears about vaccination are a very first world problem, in many parts of the world where they see the effects of diptheria and polio on a daily basis, parents would give their right arms to have their children vaccinated.

  • I often thought about this and about how Covid rules and restrictions were being implemented under the Tories in the U.K. at the time compared to other countries, given also what Labour had been saying in opposition at the time and what they were directing to have happened in local council areas that they controlled, where they often went well beyond what the Tories wanted, especially in the area of the enforcement of these rules and later on with the vaccines - I could easily imagine that had Labour been in government at the time, there would have been far stricter and far greater restrictions, with far more enforcement and far more severe penalties for non-compliance where no exceptions for not wearing masks would have been accepted under any circumstances for example, children would have not been allowed go outside into front or back gardens at all to play during that hot summer of 2020, especially with council houses, people would not have been allowed to go to public parks to “exercise” as these would have been closed off and guarded by armed police and Military who would have enforced these restrictions in a much more forceful and aggressive way - the streets, shops and supermarkets would have been patrolled by armed police and milltary checking ID’s and checking for any breaches of the rules and with the vaccines, police milltary and NHS would have been sent round to carry out mandatory and/or forced vaccinations if any refusals were encountered - now that Labour is in power and with the upcoming mpox pandemic, I suspect that all of the above could become a distinct possibility, given their response to the recent riots 

  • I loved it, all the things I found hard were made illegal and people had to break the law to get within 2 meters of me.

    But... I always want to be social but struggle with it at times, senses being overloaded can feel awful. Sometimes a push into a social situation is hard but afterwards I feel exhausted but have enjoyed it a little. Since lockdown I found it's been harder to push to do socials as I've seen that other life where I don't have to.

    So my view on lockdown, it was good but has caused some issues since.

  • What you described in the first lockdown about the peace was the thing I loved. Since then where I live it seems like everyone has building projects which are noisy. 

    The lovely weather was something I was thinking about this year, as it seems we had very little of it this year, especially early on when it is a pleasant temperature.