Night Owls thread

This a thread for a people who are still awake at night and feeling lonely.  You can chat here.

  • Checking in. I should be awake for a good few hours yet.

  • How is your weekend going?

    I started the day with a neighbour complaining about a leak in the bathroom in the flat beside the one I was working on - got an emergency plumber in to check it and it is an issue on their pipes (the other side of a 3 foot concrete wall to ours) and when they shut their stopcock off it stops.

    It is possible the vibration from all the demolition on our side has shaken their pipes and caused a leak but who should pay for ripping the walls open to repair the pipe and make them good again?

    Luckily I am not the owner and their insurance are getting involved but it is a tricky one. We didn't touch it but if it was indirect do we have some responsibility? I'm waiting to hear back.

    Then I went to see another flat I am thinking of buying - nearly 2,000 sq ft so a big one and lots of potential but a heck of a lot of work for the profit in it. Its a shame as I wouldn't mind it as a base (store rooms, several bathrooms, a massive bedroom and a living room / kitchen that is easily 20 yards long. Oh and the root would belong to us to turn into a sun terrace if we wanted (these concrete construction buildings are mostly flat roofs).

    One other neighbour (he owns both flats in the building) who is moving into the other flat as he just refurbished it and is selling the un-renovated one to pay for everything.

    All for the price of a top of the range Tesla. So cheap here.

  • How is your weekend going?

    I started the day with a neighbour complaining about a leak in the bathroom in the flat beside the one I was working on - got an emergency plumber in to check it and it is an issue on their pipes (the other side of a 3 foot concrete wall to ours) and when they shut their stopcock off it stops.

    It is possible the vibration from all the demolition on our side has shaken their pipes and caused a leak but who should pay for ripping the walls open to repair the pipe and make them good again?

    Luckily I am not the owner and their insurance are getting involved but it is a tricky one. We didn't touch it but if it was indirect do we have some responsibility? I'm waiting to hear back.

    Then I went to see another flat I am thinking of buying - nearly 2,000 sq ft so a big one and lots of potential but a heck of a lot of work for the profit in it. Its a shame as I wouldn't mind it as a base (store rooms, several bathrooms, a massive bedroom and a living room / kitchen that is easily 20 yards long. Oh and the root would belong to us to turn into a sun terrace if we wanted (these concrete construction buildings are mostly flat roofs).

    One other neighbour (he owns both flats in the building) who is moving into the other flat as he just refurbished it and is selling the un-renovated one to pay for everything.

    All for the price of a top of the range Tesla. So cheap here.
