Focused on my Electoral magnetic ears

Just wondering how you all find living in a world where the normal people live in a sound focused reality and we live in a electro magnetic reality? 

Which means we don't pay attention to the sound reality of language. Because we have experienced that electro magnetic communication is far more important 

I meam the fact  that the normals don't even know the  electro magnetic ears exist. Presents us a huge problem

How could they possibly ever comprehend what we are all actually paying attention to? 

We could spend a million years explaining it to them and they will never believe us

What do we do about such a thing? 

Continue to try and establish a understanding with them? 

Or do we just retreat and speak about it in clothed languga to each other eternally? 

Parents Reply Children
  • I mean visible light is on the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.

    Thus one could argue that sign language is a form of communication via electromagnetic radiation.

    I would hazard a guess that that is not what Kevin is referring to though. Would be interested to hear which section of the spectrum he is referring to.

  • If you study brain anatomy with the mind of a savant you notice what the normals don't. It's that simple.

    If it is that simple then an autist would have written a research paper on it - do you have a link to one?

    Also, if it is electromagnetic then it should be detectable using sensitive electromagnetic equipment - a gauss meter or a range of other scientific instruments can detect even the minutest field.

    One of these can prove your hypothesis in a matter of minutes.

    It won't be hard to find autists to perform the experiments if you are concerned the "normals" won't be willing to do it objectively.

    I'm afraid your theories seem to rely on some very unsound principles but if you can point me to some case studies I am open to being enlightened.

  • If you study brain anatomy with the mind of a savant you notice what the normals don't. It's that simple. Didn't you know. Your a genuis? 

    Look for two cables that "go all aorund the houses" to get back to next to thier starting point. Like a pair of antennas

    That's the method that nature used to to tell you to detach and turn autistic 

    I repeat the normals will never ever relaise 

    Because it's impossible for them to remember turning autistic like we all can