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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

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  • I wouldn't come on this forum if you are either angry, have been drinking, or both. 

  • hard not to be angry with the state of this country and how people defend it for some reason. virtue signalling for crime and violence as if its virtuous to support crime seems strange. crime is not virtuous, if you have a issue with that then take it up with the cops as they are the law enforcement that determines that crime isnt good lol

    also funny that... the state of our country... i thought labour was gonna fix the state of our country so we didnt have to be angry at the government no more? what happened to that?

  • HMO,

    I don't know what form your autism takes, but mine tries to make me almost permanaently annoyed as a baseline. 

    I choose a self medication/life strategy that makes me just stay annoyed and not get angry with life, other people do NOT make the same choices I do. 

    And we all have to share the same air...

    I can't stop people posting angry and maybe inflammatory stuff, all I really can control is how I react when it affects me. 

  • HMO,

    I don't know what form your autism takes, but mine tries to make me almost permanaently annoyed as a baseline. 

    I choose a self medication/life strategy that makes me just stay annoyed and not get angry with life, other people do NOT make the same choices I do. 

    And we all have to share the same air...

    I can't stop people posting angry and maybe inflammatory stuff, all I really can control is how I react when it affects me. 

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