Gentle thread

Those of you on here who have posted alongside me on here for years will know I am a opinionated fellow who can get drawn into serious debate.  However I would enjoy having a thread that is not too cerebral and where we can be gentle and kind to each other.

So let  me cast this spell and see if it works.

Veni Vidi Vici.

Parents Reply
  • This reminds me of how much I love art shops. I am not an artist. I can't draw or anything. But I just love all the colours and neatly lined up pencils, pens, paper and paints. They are never so good when you get them home - unless you bought a lot!

    Basically, I want to own an art shop. One that doesn't have customers Joy

  • When you say water colour pencils do you mean like pencil crayons but they only work when you dip them in water? I had some like that when I was a child. I remember they were fun to use as less messy than paint in a tin and water and the colours came out much brighter than pencil crayons.

  • I didn't even know that was a thing. Old, but not obsolete. (like me, I hope)

  • This week I visited a museum to look at natural history objects which were new to me (e.g. I had not seen iridescent fossils before); to kick-start some inspiration in preparation for attending a doodling course via our local Recovery College this Autumn. 

    Following the museum visit, I called into a small and yet well-stocked independent art supplies shop. 

    I bought for myself a pair of Derwent pencil extender tubes (each tube in the set accommodates a different diameter watercolour pencil etc.). 

    This addition to my art box means I can anticipate the rediscovery of those previously well-loved pencil crayons / sketching pencils etc. (which are too short to be comfortable to use on their own now) enable their enjoyment for several further projects for a while longer than I had previously feared. 

  • I totally understand! I used to buy my wife all sorts of art supplies because she is the artistic one. She never has time though, sadly. The good news is that they are pristine!

  • . They are never so good when you get them home - unless you bought a lot

    I have the biggest ever tin of watercolour pencils, plus more and more that had such nice colours I couldn't resist them. 

    I may be a colour hoarder...Thinking