Mental Health First Aid

I have been told by my HR manager at work that I have to train as a mental health first aider because I am a manager of staff.

Has anyone had to do the course? I looked at what is included and think as a neurodivergent person I am going to be the best person to do this course. 

  • I have been told by my HR manager at work that I have to train as a mental health first aider because I am a manager of staff.

    I read about the criteria for doing this:

    MHFAiders embody a set of qualities and values that are fundamental to their role.  MHFAiders should be [1]: 
    - Approachable: Creating a safe and open environment for communication 
    - Impartial: Remaining neutral and non-judgemental to foster trust 
    - Non-judgemental: Avoiding biases and preconceived notions 
    - Confidential: Respecting the privacy of the individual being supported 
    - Empathetic: Demonstrating understanding and compassion 
    - Skilled Listener: Practice active listening and empathy 
    - Trustworthy: Building trust through consistent and reliable behaviour 
    - Patient: Allowing individuals to express themselves at their own pace 

    Empathetic is a skill a lot of autists lack - are you confident you have all of these? The other attirbutes of Approachable and Patient are other areas we can be less than ideal in.

    I guess you may just have to do it if it is now a requirement of the job, but dealing with people with mental health issues is a bit of a minefield and the anxiety would be a concern for me,

  • I’m not empathic and often don’t know what to say when people talk to me about emotional issues. I was told we have to recognise when a staff member is having mental health problems but unless someone told me I wouldn’t know. HR know I’m autistic but do not understand what the implications are. 

  • HR know I’m autistic but do not understand what the implications are. 

    I would write to them and explain it - in essence you will be put in a situation where you have a duty of care you cannot reasonably be expected to supply due to your disability.

    It would be like placing a wheelchair user in an emergency exit row of a plane to help people out in an emergency.

    Personally I would weigh up whether HR will consider you unfit for your role if you refuse versus doing the course and faking it to keep the job. I would start with a verbal chat with your boss off the record to find out if it is a dealbreaker for the role,

  • HR know I’m autistic but do not understand what the implications are. 

    I would write to them and explain it - in essence you will be put in a situation where you have a duty of care you cannot reasonably be expected to supply due to your disability.

    It would be like placing a wheelchair user in an emergency exit row of a plane to help people out in an emergency.

    Personally I would weigh up whether HR will consider you unfit for your role if you refuse versus doing the course and faking it to keep the job. I would start with a verbal chat with your boss off the record to find out if it is a dealbreaker for the role,

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