Stress related flu like symptoms

Has anyone else  experienced stress related flu like symptoms? I experienced them quite a lot before moving to be near my daughter. I've not experienced them since moving. I can still get stressed but not to a level where I have a flu like reaction.

  • I get the sweats does anyone else I end up my head and forehead are soaking wet it can be something not that big like the internet router going off line

  • Glad it's worked out for you.

  • dont think i have.

    but having a cold or flu would modify and make stress worse, especially at work were you dont have the energy to do your work and its like torture being there when your not well but hey ho you get a disciplinary if you so much as take a single day off sick so you are forced to be there. thats the stress part when i get sick. work day goes so slow and your incapable of having the energy to do it as its a hyper energy requiring fast paced physical manual job that really drains you more than going to a gym does. dont have energy for it when sick but have to go, drags the day makes it hell.

  • I was going to say something similar to Iain. Also stress and anxiety make you tense up which can cause the achy muscles like a virus would.

  • Has anyone else  experienced stress related flu like symptoms?

    This is very common.

    It happens because when you are stressed then the adrenaline released causes your immune system to shut down and this allows opportunistic viruses like colds and the flu to get in.

    Sometimes it is just an allergy that is flaring up (lots of dust associated with moving houses or chemicals from new paint etc) and your symptoms are just this.

    Teaching yourself ways to bring anxiety down are incredibly useful whether through exercise, sex, mindfulness or meditation are likely to yield positive results.

    All in my opinion of course.

  • It's in the same ballpark. Move has been very good. I should've done it much earlier.

  • Hi

    When at my most stressed in life I had seemed to catch lots of viruses in the past. Stress also made me feel nauseated. Not sure if this is the same thing you mean. 

    It sounds as if the move was a positive thing for you.