Relapsed again


Parents Reply
  • Ah Yeh things are okay. I am not consuming anymore alcohol at all. I am reading a lot just now about bowel issues and autism. It is interesting to say the least. I notice my anxiety comes when my gut is in distress. If my gut is happy my brain is happy also.

  • Thanks.I have water bottles, but they don't have markers re how much to drink in x time.

  • See my water bottle idea, firemonkey. May help you too.

  • I struggle with constipation and also the opposite. I take docusate and senna for it, plus laxido if necessary. What doesn't  help matters with me is a tendency to be dehydrated . That being interoception related. Also on codeine for pain management.

  • Yeh there actually is a lot out there about it. It’s good to read about it. Constipation is the main thing autistic people struggle with including me. This can cause pain which can lead to aggression and low mood, anxiety, irritability etc. Because it’s a normal reaction to pain. I never thought that my tummy could actually be causing my anxiety rather than my anxiety causing my tummy issues. Because all I had ever been told was ‘it’s all anxiety’. But did you know that pain in the tummy actually sends signals to the brain that there is danger and you need to act now. That appears to be what causes panic attacks at least in my case. 

  • Bowel issues and autsim reading sounds interesting -  is there a lot of information out there about it? I have also had some issues.

    It is good to hear that things are going okay. And that you have been managing to not drink. That must be hard to not drink. I hope you continue to be okay.