Brain in Hand - any experience of it here?

Do any people here have experience of Brain in Hand?

My wife is suggesting it to me (she's ever on the lookout for help for me)

I would love to know of any experiences of it.

Thanks, Mark

  • I have brain in hand through DSA (disabled student allowance) and I love it.  It is very specifically designed for autism and in my experience does it very well.

    I've given a good review on it before so I'll paste that below and then add anything else I've thought about since then:

    I use brain in hand!!!!!! I love it!

    I love it personally, for a variety of reasons, let me list them below, and share my experiences where I have used them practically:

    Part of brain in hand is organisation, so you make a calendar ( you can connect an existing google calendar, outlook calendar etc, or just use the software on the website) and the individual events get tasks and problems put under them. And you can put in problems connected to a task.

    So for example, for a teams call I have various problems like 'internet out', 'unable to join call', forget call'. And then within those problems I put solutions. So under 'forget about call' is 'send apology email', 'ask to reschedule', 'ask for recording'. And then what that mainly means is A. I get reminders about tasks, and B. when something goes wrong, I don't have to panic about what to do, because it's already there. 

    So, when have I used this feature. Well, missing meetings for a start. Also a big one was train journeys. I find train journeys immensely difficult. They're sensorily overwhelming and then they go wrong. In this particular case one of my trains had been cancelled. I was already on the verge of a shutdown. It was very bad. But in my brain in hand app the pre made travel section has a solution which has the link to the national network website, where I could instantly find another train. It saved a meltdown, end of story. Because I didn't have to think.

    And then there are those moments where the preprepared stuff doesn't work out, and you have to ask for help. I've used that twice I think. Once was about a phone call where I just couldn't, and they walked me through other options so I didn't have to do it right then and could wait until I had someone around to help me in person. The other was a moment where everything had gone wrong, and they helped me break it down until I could find a solution.

    You also get someone that walks you through using it to its upmost and also helps you make goals and stuff and plans to work towards them that you have appointments with a few times a year. 

    Cool. That covers a lot. 

    Things I've used it for since: 

    Airplane, with lots of contingencies including a link to a document explaining I was having a shutdown to a member of staff. 

    Organising packing lists for some activities

    They've improved the notification system, so I can now do several notifications. E.g. one for getting brain ready, one for getting up and putting things in bag etc and one for leaving, for a specific appointment.

    I'm sure there are others too

    It is expensive privately, I guess that is partly paying for the 24/7 support if you need it. But it's really helped my independence in managing difficult situations. I'm not sure what I will do when I eventually come off of DSA. Some organisations occupational health will also pay for it. And some councils if you are under social care will contribute. So there are other funding sources available.

    Feel free to ask questions about brain in hand, I use it every day and find it often makes a real difference 

  • Wow, Fibonacci Squid! That is really useful information. Thank you so much for taking the time to post this.

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