Whatever I do, it'll never be enough.

So, back in March, I made a post about being on universal credit due to not being able to find post - graduate / part - time work, alongside the fact that I live in the literal middle of nowhere. Since then quite a bit has changed, thanks to a family friend, I was able to do a six - week cyber security internship in Bicester, that ended a couple of weeks ago (living in walking range of a supermarket / train station / bus stop was a breath of fresh air, believe me!). 

But during my internship, I started to apply for more graduate roles again, using my updated CV. Unfortunately, I have been either rejected or ignored from the lot of them, and since my internship has ended, I have been back on the job searching grind, like I was for the previous year or so. I've also gone back to applying for basic IT admin roles, because I am that desperate to move out of this place.

But because I took a couple of days off of job searching, due to burnout (writing cover letters will be the bane of my life), my parents are now accusing me of slacking off and not caring about finding work, despite the fact that my job application count has gone WAAAY above the 130s. I feel like I'm being gaslit into thinking that I'm not doing my hardest, or that I'm not networking on LinkedIn enough, even when I have been told by people in the industry that it has never been more difficult to find work in the industry due to heavy competition and that I graduated at one of the worst possible times. I'm not even too sure what to suggest anymore, besides keeping the applications coming.

What makes it even worse is seeing other people on social media (including other members of my own family) bragging about how good their life is, whilst I'm stuck in the Forest of Dean not doing an awful lot. Though, I guess it's more my fault for digging deep into social media in the first place, when I should really be using Instagram to find recipes and nothing more. 

Just wanted to vent, because this has been going on for a while now, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • What makes it even worse is seeing other people on social media (including other members of my own family) bragging about how good their life is

    That is one toxic aspect of social media - these people are probably suffering in different ways to you from managers who are sociopaths, companies who don't give a damn and colleagues who make their life hell.

    But like all social media, people will post how amazing it is for them. Faking it until they make it - or retire, whichever comes first.

    Ignore this facet of social media would be my advice, and if you have X, uninstall that hateful app.

    my job application count has gone WAAAY above the 130s.

    I used to get 200-300 applications off in a month when looking for new contracts and that was with 25 years of excellent experience. It just seems to be the nature of the job market these days.

    I've been to loads of interviews in the past where the jobs were pulled in the weeks after as they lost funding, found an internal applicant etc - and from my time recruiting within companies I know that they often have to advertise the roles for legal reasons when they already know who will fill the position but need to go through the motions.

    For me the key was to make job hunting a full time job - get 8 hours a day in with either searching / writing applications, attending interviews, chasing on older applications and updating my skills with online courses.

    It keeps you busy and feeling that you are doing the max you can while the training is actually making you more marketable.

  • DO you hold  X any more hateful than twitter was?

    (Is a genuine RFI, I've used neither except to look at tweets when linked by other media)

  • DO you hold  X any more hateful than twitter was?

    I found it went very rapidly downhill following Elon Musk taking over it - I fairly quickly started to receive lots of unsolicited right wing political posts (nothing to do with my settings), there was a notable surge in bot postings and I also started to receive the most horrific posts with people being killed or maimed in accidents, war footage from Ukraine etc - truly disgusting stuff.

    The lack of mod behaviour, the enabling of the far right to post unfettered and the move away from being about discussion to being about polarisation made it unusable for me.

    I used to get quite angry after catching up with the days posts in X so it was a clear sign to step away from it.

  • Oooh, that sounds like I'm not missing much then..

    Thanks for taking the time to inform me.

    Unfortunately, when you don't censor and the full spectrum of human behaviour is allowed, you have to excercise a lot of "choice" rather than outsourcing it to censors. But having dreck thrust into your inbox is unacceptable.  At least yu toob does allow you to turn off recommendations, etc.

    On the sites where I get my war coverage from, I seem to be the LONE VOICE expressing revulsion for this conflict, tthe vast majorty of people seem hell bent on picking a side and cheering on the atrocity. 

    almost a couple of years back joined a drone company run by an ex .MIL guy, but came to my senses at the last moment. I had ideas about range extension and a novel approach to conferring immunity to jamming, and I'm so glad I kept them to myself now... What both sides are doing with drones is fecking horrible.

    As the Gary Clail song so eloquently explains, "There's something wrong with human nature"..  


    *Edit* I just noticed I have the yamaha DX27 keyboard that is in use there, in practically unused condition. (Turns out I'm an analog sythesiser guy) I'm wanting a reasonable price for it too if anyone here might be interested. A gumtree search will find it easily..

  • you are down with suppression of the far right's right to speak, but there is no suggestion that the far left ought to be sanctioned in a similar way!

    I don't get hit by waves of blatant lies, misquotes and twisted propoganda by the far left though. If I did then I'd be making a point about them too, but they seem to lack the foothold on X to get pushed into the algorythm the same way the right does.

    Elon has made it clear he supports the far righ which possibly is the cause.

    This part thread was about what has changed on X to make it worse - hence my comment on it.

    The left vs right debate isn't really part of the discussion around this though so I don't want to turn it into one as these get quite heated.

    For the record though, I hold no good feelings towards the extemes of any direction politically.

    I'm in full agreement about the "nasty accidents" films though. It's just nasty schadenfreud.

    It sickens me to see people squished under a block of steel that falls over, a dog pulled into a wood chipper because its leash got caught in a branch or a parade of Russian soldiers blown limb from limb in graphic detail in the name of propoganda.

    Especially as nothing of this nature is in my preferences.

    It seems a common experience from others I know who use X and most have dropped it over the last year.

  • O.K. Iain, this is what I don't get: You come across as a pretty "balanced" individual. 

    Yet, you are down with suppression of the far right's right to speak, but there is no suggestion that the far left ought to be sanctioned in a similar way! Why are far right past crimes held to be so much worse than teh leftist pogroms in russia, cambodia, china etc. where they seem to agically get memory holed. There's NEVER any condemnation of the people who were behind the holodmor (SIXTY million people) but there isn't a day goes by where soemone doesn't mention the losing side in WW2 as being the very definition of human evil. Mr Musk really went out on a limb financially to restore free & balanced speech on twitter, and it sure was not a money making business decision... 

    I see letting the full spectrum of posters have their say as being a PROMOTION of balanced discussion, whereas "twitter" was (pre musk) a censors paradise where if you didn't toe the NWO line, (Like practically evey other "social media" site) you were silenced. 

    As for Ukraine war footage, I firmly believe that more people ought to view some of it, disgusting as it is, then maybe we wouldn't all be quite so keen to prolong or assist in that war.

    I'm in full agreement about the "nasty accidents" films though. It's just nasty schadenfreud.

    OTOH, I do enjoy the "bIg fails" video's that do also pop up where no one actually gets hurt, (the operator makes a sharp exit before the crane and it's load disappear over the ravine, that sort of thing)...

  • O.K. Iain, this is what I don't get: You come across as a pretty "balanced" individual. 

    Yet, you are down with suppression of the far right's right to speak, but there is no suggestion that the far left ought to be sanctioned in a similar way! Why are far right past crimes held to be so much worse than teh leftist pogroms in russia, cambodia, china etc. where they seem to agically get memory holed. There's NEVER any condemnation of the people who were behind the holodmor (SIXTY million people) but there isn't a day goes by where soemone doesn't mention the losing side in WW2 as being the very definition of human evil. Mr Musk really went out on a limb financially to restore free & balanced speech on twitter, and it sure was not a money making business decision... 

    I see letting the full spectrum of posters have their say as being a PROMOTION of balanced discussion, whereas "twitter" was (pre musk) a censors paradise where if you didn't toe the NWO line, (Like practically evey other "social media" site) you were silenced. 

    As for Ukraine war footage, I firmly believe that more people ought to view some of it, disgusting as it is, then maybe we wouldn't all be quite so keen to prolong or assist in that war.

    I'm in full agreement about the "nasty accidents" films though. It's just nasty schadenfreud.

    OTOH, I do enjoy the "bIg fails" video's that do also pop up where no one actually gets hurt, (the operator makes a sharp exit before the crane and it's load disappear over the ravine, that sort of thing)...

  • Oooh, that sounds like I'm not missing much then..

    Thanks for taking the time to inform me.

    Unfortunately, when you don't censor and the full spectrum of human behaviour is allowed, you have to excercise a lot of "choice" rather than outsourcing it to censors. But having dreck thrust into your inbox is unacceptable.  At least yu toob does allow you to turn off recommendations, etc.

    On the sites where I get my war coverage from, I seem to be the LONE VOICE expressing revulsion for this conflict, tthe vast majorty of people seem hell bent on picking a side and cheering on the atrocity. 

    almost a couple of years back joined a drone company run by an ex .MIL guy, but came to my senses at the last moment. I had ideas about range extension and a novel approach to conferring immunity to jamming, and I'm so glad I kept them to myself now... What both sides are doing with drones is fecking horrible.

    As the Gary Clail song so eloquently explains, "There's something wrong with human nature"..  


    *Edit* I just noticed I have the yamaha DX27 keyboard that is in use there, in practically unused condition. (Turns out I'm an analog sythesiser guy) I'm wanting a reasonable price for it too if anyone here might be interested. A gumtree search will find it easily..

  • you are down with suppression of the far right's right to speak, but there is no suggestion that the far left ought to be sanctioned in a similar way!

    I don't get hit by waves of blatant lies, misquotes and twisted propoganda by the far left though. If I did then I'd be making a point about them too, but they seem to lack the foothold on X to get pushed into the algorythm the same way the right does.

    Elon has made it clear he supports the far righ which possibly is the cause.

    This part thread was about what has changed on X to make it worse - hence my comment on it.

    The left vs right debate isn't really part of the discussion around this though so I don't want to turn it into one as these get quite heated.

    For the record though, I hold no good feelings towards the extemes of any direction politically.

    I'm in full agreement about the "nasty accidents" films though. It's just nasty schadenfreud.

    It sickens me to see people squished under a block of steel that falls over, a dog pulled into a wood chipper because its leash got caught in a branch or a parade of Russian soldiers blown limb from limb in graphic detail in the name of propoganda.

    Especially as nothing of this nature is in my preferences.

    It seems a common experience from others I know who use X and most have dropped it over the last year.