Anxious State

For several days I have been experiencing increased anxiety and am wondering whether it is permanent or temporary. I hope I have written enough to catalyze a discussion on the aforementioned topic. If I have not, I am sorry, but I struggle to convert my thoughts to words accurately.

  • I realise I might be starting to sound like a broken record on here (Joy) but I’ve struggled with severe anxiety for decades and tried SO many things (including anti-depressants which were disastrous for me and made me suicidal) - I’ve tried all the various natural remedies - so many things with not much success. But this year I’ve been learning all about Zen Buddhism through Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings and it’s been massively helpful for me. It’s taken a few months of reading, listening to audiobooks and watching the ‘Plum Village’ YouTube channel - but over time I find it’s having such a stabilising influence on me. It’s changed my perspective on so many things, and slowly over time my anxiety is reducing. It’s taking time and involves some commitment - but I feel I’ve FINALLY found something that actually works. It’s given me so much hope that I can genuinely enjoy life again, and not be permanently anxious all the time. 
    Of course I realise that everyone is different - and I’d never assume it will do the same for anyone else. But I want to share my experience on here because it might be helpful to someone. Living with anxiety can be so dreadful (many times I’ve felt I couldn’t go on because I was so totally depressed and exhausted with trying to cope with anxiety over decades) and to have found something that actually helps has been such an enormous relief to me. So if anyone feels they’ve tried everything and nothing has worked - then I’d recommend the teachings Thich Nhat Hanh. It certainly can’t do any harm - no side effects! 

  • Thank you for sharing this! Please do not ever feel like a broken record. Your words no matter how often spoken are valid and valued. Peace to you. I shall take a look at your suggestions as I am now at a stage of desperation. I cannot live in a permanent state of anxiety. 

  • These are such kind words - thank you. Like you I felt that I just couldn’t go on living with that level of anxiety - I have often considered suicide - not because I wanted to die (I very much didn’t ) but because I just could not cope with feeling so dreadful all the time, morning til night. I want to reassure you that there really is hope, I thought I was a lost cause after decades of terrible anxiety - but now I feel I have something that really can work. It’s no  ‘miracle cure’ and it takes time, but it’s made a huge difference to me. Good luck - we are always here for each other in this community so you’re not alone. 

  • Bless you KK.  Thank you for your vote of confidence in me.  It's very much appreciated.  I hope the person who posted about their Anxiety is able to find their way through as we have. :-)

  • There are ways to heal past trauma and suffering.  On the Plum Village YouTube channel they have many talks about healing trauma - I’d recommend them if you feel able to engage with that. I know it’s hard to look into these issues but the Plum Village approach is very gentle and sensitive to how much care is required when trying to find peace and healing from childhood trauma. Their talks about these issues helped me a great deal - worth a look if you’d like to give it a try. Good luck 

  • I believe I know my underlying issues. Anxiety, in my opinion, is another word for the voice of a person's inner child. My inner child is screaming and I cannot soothe them and do not ever think I will. Life is like a boxing match and I am down on the floor and cannot get back up. 

  • I’m curious about your comment ‘my life is almost perfect’ - that’s so interesting. Often anxiety is mirrored in by other difficulties we have in our lives. How is your life ‘almost perfect’ ? Do you mean in terms of  loving family, good job, security etc? Because usually anxiety is a result of underlying issues. Can you identify what your underlying issues are? 

  • I’m curious about your comment ‘my life is almost perfect’ - that’s so interesting. Often anxiety is mirrored in by other difficulties we have in our lives. How is your life ‘almost perfect’ ? Do you mean in terms of  loving family, good job, security etc? Because usually anxiety is a result of underlying issues. Can you identify what your underlying issues are? 

  • There are ways to heal past trauma and suffering.  On the Plum Village YouTube channel they have many talks about healing trauma - I’d recommend them if you feel able to engage with that. I know it’s hard to look into these issues but the Plum Village approach is very gentle and sensitive to how much care is required when trying to find peace and healing from childhood trauma. Their talks about these issues helped me a great deal - worth a look if you’d like to give it a try. Good luck 

  • I believe I know my underlying issues. Anxiety, in my opinion, is another word for the voice of a person's inner child. My inner child is screaming and I cannot soothe them and do not ever think I will. Life is like a boxing match and I am down on the floor and cannot get back up.