A Day From Hell

I have had a stinker one of my lovely neighbours used offensive language about my Sisters OCD and behaved in an insane way with some sand she was putting on some slabs.

She then approached my Sister later and asked why i wear a lanyard and accused me of shaking it at her which I have not.

She appeared to be mocking me about my stimming as well as she commented I shake my hands sometimes.Under extreme stress I shake my hands bit my fingers and talk to myself.it is my way of coping.

These neighbours have caused me so much trouble I have something called a CPW think ASBO from the council as they claim I harass them.The history is I am light sensitive and they were deliberately over ruling outside lights .Also they have piled materials against our shared wall which aggravates my OCD as well as my Autism and have blocked our drive and loads more.

I am in hell and need to know if anyone else gets this level of hostility from so called normal people 

  • Some people are just complete units and seem to enjoy "baiting" those vulnerable members of the community. Seeing you suffer does sometimes get them off - a bit of a power trip I suppose.

    Our laws give very limited protection from them and the fact they used a CPW against you so readily makes me thing this is because they know all about them from being at the receiving end in the past.

    The light situation has already been looked at by the council and dismissed if I recall correctly so you can't do much more about the source of the light. Your best aproach is to deal with it getting into the flat instead so probably needs things like blackout curtains or better to block it.

    I'm just trying to bring some suggestions for improving the situation by the way.

    For the fence, if it is on their side and the materials are not causing damage to your side of the fence then there is nothing you can do. It is their side and they can do what they want unfortunately.

    With the blocking of the driveway, if this is dedicated to your flat and you have a car then it may be best to block it yourself just to stop them from being able to do this. Make sure you don't block theirs or you can be sure they will get your car towed away.

    If they do block your driveway and refuse to move it when asked politely then escalate to the police - make sure you have video evidence stating time and date that you can send to the police as the neighbours will no doubt try to move if if they think the police are on the way.

    Basically do all you reasonably can do within the law, don't speak to the neighbours unless absolutely necessary and wait for them to mess up to the point when something gets done about it.

    If you have any ways to deal with the anxiety then I would use these - try to block thoughts about the neighbours as they are like a rubbish, lingering rain cloud - settled in and horrible and you can't do anything but distract yourself with better things.

    Learning to live with that level of inconvenience is unfortunately your best option for now - find ways to make life better by thinking of them as that rain cloud helps. Have toasted marshmallows and mulled wine instead - celebrate them not being able to get you down if you can.

  • hi mate we are a house not a flat and believe you me we have tried all this it was just the most horrible day today

  • I had similar...dug my heels in for years and then took the Universe's hint...the message just kept getting louder and louder.  Once I made the decision to move I became solution, not problem, orientated.  Things started to get better, I had a greater sense of control over the situation.  I shifted the energy too, changed my own attitude towards them.  Some days it was hard, but I kept sweeping the negative attitude I had toward them away.  It was bad, like with you, and it took five years to sort.  You have to start somewhere though.  Consider moving...it may seem impossible, but if you make the decision, you can make it happen.  One step at a time.

    I know how hard it is to deal with a whole street of difficult, abusive neighbours.  You can get through it.  Best thing is to move, leave them amongst themselves.  They will soon have someone else in their sights, and in the mean time, will squabble amongst themselves.

    Good luck, do something kind for yourself each day 

  • Thanks. I will tell you my view on moving.-

    1- I want to move on a high.

    2- I love my house just not the people they may move.

    3- Because of mine and my sister's unique personalities we find that we get unkindness in most places and constantly have to ask for reasonable adjustments.There are unkind people everywhere but your advice in the long term spot on and thanks

  • Thanks. I will tell you my view on moving.-

    1- I want to move on a high.

    2- I love my house just not the people they may move.

    3- Because of mine and my sister's unique personalities we find that we get unkindness in most places and constantly have to ask for reasonable adjustments.There are unkind people everywhere but your advice in the long term spot on and thanks

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