Three positives about you!!! :-)

1. I am quirky and enjoy other quirky people.

2. I'm able to learn arts and crafts pretty easily.

3. I feel music in my body, shivers, tears and joy to name a few emotions it creates in me.

I note the tree comments and feel the same about plants and animals. :-)

  • That’s good to know :) 

  • Hi Kate. 

    I'm so glad to hear that your son is thriving with online tutoring! It's wonderful to see how it has not only helped him academically but also boosted his confidence.

    I remember the threads when your son was struggling greatly with all of this and that understandably was hard for you so it really is so good to hear how well he's doing now. 

    I’d say try to have a go if you feel able - because sometimes it can turn out better than you think.

    Excellent advice!

    This has really brightened my day reading your reply :) 

  • Hi Geeky - that’s so lovely of you to say - thank you so much :) 

    Such kind words - they are really appreciatedSun with face

    And I’m happy to say that my son is now continuing his education through online tutoring one to one with a really great tutor. He was very anxious about starting this but it turns out he is really enjoying it and it’s going really well - and we are all so happy about this! It’s really building his confidence - and that’s fantastic to see. So if anyone on here is feeling anxious about ‘dipping their toe’ back into something new like education - I’d say try to have a go if you feel able - because sometimes it can turn out better than you think. He was dreading it but it’s turned out really well :)

  • ,

    It's great to see you. Last time I was here your son was struggling whether to continue with his education or not. I hope he's ok now.

    Your love for your family projects strongly in your posts. They are lucky to have you. 

    Take care.

  • 1) I love my family very much and do my best for them

    2) I do my best to be kind and not harm anyone/anything if I can avoid it 

    3) I’m creative person and I make things (art/crafts) that are interesting 

  • Ha I wish! I like your Anna picture FH.

  • I have natural white hair.

    Elsa irl..?

  • 1. I'm a bookworm. 

    2. I have natural white hair. 

    3. I'm a diehard Disney fan. 

  • 1. I'm smart.

    2. I'm witty.

    3. I'm fair-minded.

  • I think confidence is frowned upon in society and so called arrogant.  True arrogance to me is when a person says they are better than anyone else and won't take anyone elses opinion on board as they know all the answers.

    Humble to me is when someone is shy about compliment but will take them and say thank you whereas self doubt is when someone puts themselves down more as a result of the compliment.

  • Unrelated but made me question (and not directed twords anyone): how do you know when someone is being confident and not arrogant, or humble vs self-doubt?

  • For me-

    1- I fight for justice and cannot bear wrong.

    2- I love animals.

    3- I believe and carry out good manners 

  • Often (but not always) calm under pressure (and I calm others).

    Animal/insect lover.

    Good insight + instinct.

  • Gosh I never really try to sell my ok points but here goes. 

    1. I love to listen 

    2. I can feel people’s energy 

    3. I greatly appreciate the good people around me 

  • I find these questions so difficult as I’m really self critical, but I’m going to give it a go!

    1) I follow through on promises and commitments 

    2) I like to make people laugh (even though it’s often at my own expense lol)

    3) I’m a good problem solver

  • I really struggle to think of things.  The first thought that entered my head was I don't cheat at Monopoly Eyes 

    But giving it a little more thought I'd say my 3 are

    1. I was born on Christmas Eve-positive because I share my birthday with my mum. 
    2. I'm super creative. 
    3. I can play the triangle (all praise to my music teacher, Mr Evans-for all his dedication and tutoring). 
  • I see the good in everyone

    I can use words really well, and write what I think are words that contain real meaning.

    I believe everyone should be who and what they want to be.

  • Only 3? Which ones do I choose?

    I'm honest

    I'm kind

    I'm friendly

  • I love oak trees as they are so wholesome and full of so much wisdom(not to mention they give the best hugs)! I am not so keen on birch trees as they behave suspiciously and are very quiet. I should branch out into another hobby. Turn over a new leaf so to speak!

  • There are few tree's that I don't like, there's a young oak who I've been sharing with for the last 10 years or so and a Rowan that grew in a pot of winter pansies, I've kept it from when it was atiny seedling and a couple of months ago I put it into the ground and it seems happy. What about you?