Cruel World Cows are Beautiful

Dear All,

Very upset about the police car and the Calf why would they do such a thing please lets hope the beautiful creature fully recovers and suffers no traumatisam

  • Having lived on a farm and been around cows, they are not always keen on being herded. Yes, it was not nice but better than being shot. I have read that it had charged at people before so it was quite agitated and would have possibly charged again. They really can do a lot of damage and I have seen one charge through a fence and a hedge before. Last I heard, the cow is being looked after and suffered a cut leg.  

  • Having lived on a farm and been around cows, they are not always keen on being herded. Yes, it was not nice but better than being shot. I have read that it had charged at people before so it was quite agitated and would have possibly charged again. They really can do a lot of damage and I have seen one charge through a fence and a hedge before. Last I heard, the cow is being looked after and suffered a cut leg.  

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