Cruel World Cows are Beautiful

Dear All,

Very upset about the police car and the Calf why would they do such a thing please lets hope the beautiful creature fully recovers and suffers no traumatisam

  • This is a breeding cow so will not run into beef!

  • PS.....for the avoidance of doubt (for those who don't know me)....

    I frigging LOVE cattle and all animals - and I state this in the hope that my stated facts don't cloud or promote an emotional response to them......beyond my own!

  • 78,000 tons of this animal (and it's family) were killed during May 2024 in the UK.  This one was injured due to explicable circumstance, and is now receiving excellent veterinary care....presumably to be slaughtered at a later date.

    Facts, as I understand them.

  • escaped at staines Moor ended up in Feltham

  • Surrey is semi rural with some quite big towns like Guildford and half in London, so it's a bit difficult to know where it happened

  • Apparently the Home Secretary is asking questions. 

  • It happened in Surrey.

  • I don’t live in London I don’t know if it’s normal for the police to drive into cows is that what people do in London? I dunno lol

  • Hi Ian,

    My only concern is that the Police rarely seem to face any consequences rom so called investigations but lets see

  • Having lived on a farm and been around cows, they are not always keen on being herded. Yes, it was not nice but better than being shot. I have read that it had charged at people before so it was quite agitated and would have possibly charged again. They really can do a lot of damage and I have seen one charge through a fence and a hedge before. Last I heard, the cow is being looked after and suffered a cut leg.  

  • I am glad the IOPC and the RSPCA are investigating.  There needs to be a proper investigation, and the officer needs to either justify his actions or face charges of animal cruelty.

    I don't know if the RSPCA were asked to respond to the incident. Their Animal Rescue Officers are trained in dealing with frightened animals and should be able to advise the police or other emergency services. I am sure there were better ways of dealing with this situation.

  • thanks so much so true I am afraid the police do this to animals and humans at times.

    So pleased your dog got a second chance my beautiful ginger female lost half her tail in an RTA when she was 4 and lived to be 17

  • Heard about that it’s awful a few years ago my 14 year old dog was run over the car hit him drove over him and drove off didn’t stop or anything. Luckily old Joe got up limped over to the car and jumped in the boot. My mum was in tears and some kind members of the public rushed over one guy who was a professional photographer took a picture of the number plate. Luckily old Joe had a badly sprained shoulder and a nasty cut on his face but he quickly recovered and lived on until he was 20 years old. But that could have been a lot worse. It’s disgusting the way people treat animals. 

  • thanks so much remember it is the police though and different rules apply !

  • Terrible, absolutely terrible. I hope it recovers and I hope those people get the book thrown at them! Suspension doesn't really seem like enough IMO. 

    Cows are such beautiful and gentle animals. This could and should have been avoided. 

  • so true I am so pleased about the suspension will it hold a sacking would be better

  • I read about this, it is awful and there were many complaints, the officer involved has been suspended from front line duty.

    Cows can be a bit scary, but I've never had any problems moving them, I say a prayer to the Goddess Hathor and ask her to tell her creatures that I mean no harm and mearly want to pass, I have little bother them after that.

    DId nobody think of putting a handful of stones in a bucket and rattling it? Most cows and sheep will follow a rattling bucket as they think it means food.