
I feel bad about feeling bad. I want to be my best for my family, my friends, and my colleagues, but I feel absolutely defeated – so utterly drained that I feel like I’m constantly having an out-of-body experience. I've just posted an 'Autistic Not Alien' video about this on my YouTube channel, and would welcome thoughts about how you've dealt with similar struggles.

  • Yes, so do I.

    I saw Richard Hawley live on stage in Southsea many moons ago.

  • (P.S. I think Richard Hawley is great.

    Yes, so do I.

  • Wish there was a way to change that but it's so true, I always feel like the imposter or outsider too.

  • I love my analytical skills, just wish there was a pause button for situations that just don't need analysing and just need enjoying.

  • I empathise with this a lot, unfortunately. I would like to analyse less and belong more.

  • Thank you very much. I'm my own worst enemy! Knowing when/how to rest is very hard.

  • He's right. (P.S. I think Richard Hawley is great. 'Love of My Life' was my wife and I's wedding song!)

  • Thanks again for your support and advice.

  • Richard Hawley talked about this on Jools Holland last night - we only see the bad things on the news. We rarely see the good that happens in the world.

  • I have always been the same as You.
    Part of ASD is actually feeling as though You don't belong.
    You cannot change that.
    It is a part of You.
    iI think trying to ' adapt ' would be a compromise.

  • Neil,

    I watched the video, and note a couple of things....

    (1) Starting new meds = who knows how this is going to be making you feel right now = we are very complex beings?!

    I have been on these pages now for a while, and I always read with a great and invested interest of peoples experience of this process.  Some are very positive, some are very negative but generally I detect a "confused" picture - often with multiple tweaks and adjustments being required within a relatively short time of embarking on "meds."  I think it would be reasonable and wise for you to assign some of your "current bad feelings" to the inevitable processes of your body and mind addressing this change that you have embarked upon.  My reading of other peoples experiences suggest things will change for you soon enough......I think you may be "passing through the valley" of new medications?

    (2) Doom scrolling aka watching the news = should only be done if/when you are able to cope with your "base" load of life.

    Current affairs is one of my special interests, so this consigns me to a state of great sadness - VERY often.  This morning, I made the concious decision to only read about positivity = stayed away from "conventional" news, and spent an hour with OGN, which is something that I often choose to do these days.  [Disambiguation - OGN = onlygoodnewsdaily. com ..... other positive only news websites are available.]

    I wish you a happy Sunday.



  • You can only be the best for Your Family if You FEEL Your best.
    You need to take the pressure off of Yoursel Neil.
    Work on Your own wellbeing first.
    Best wishes.

  • Depersonalisation and derealization are difficult to deal with and recover from.

    I struggle with interpersonal connections.

    I have family but sometimes even those relationships seem tenuous.

    It can be lonely, it would be nice to feel as if I belong somewhere.