

 Does anyone else experience with obsession over non objects.  I seem to be obsessed with a parking space and parking round my house. I have a particular spot outside my house on the end of a row where 98% I park my vehicle. If someone parks there or there's a sudden rise in cars which would threaten this space I get really stressed and anxious. I've tried explaining to neighbours and some understand. But I'm like obsessed. If I see a new car in the road I stress. It's starting to run my life which is not good and I need ideas on how to let it go but it feels impossible.  We have a space on our drive for our car but I drive a company van also but I don't like the idea of a van infrony of the house on drive. It would block the view out the window I would just see back end of my van.  Any suggestions would help.

  • You have a vision rooted in your mind somewhere about how to make life just so. We all do this. Autistics tend to be impacted internally to a greater intensity than our NT peers. It's a type of "hyper" sensory-impact. This can be useful. For instance, envisioning the night before what I'm wearing to a meeting tomorrow, really helps my flow in the morning. I had to learn to do this intentionally because if left to last - minute, I would be incredibly late. I don't make fast decisions very well. On the same note, I am reliable, dependable and must finish what I've started. 

    Technically, it's not started as an obsession but a sudden surprise transition, which is hard. And then due to it's repeated frustration, it will have grown into something that occupies too much of your life. Can I make it home before anyone takes the spot? It's easy to always be on edge about something like this because certain things in life are communal and beyond our control. 

    Of course you don't want to cover up the house with the van. I'd have trouble with that, too. I've had to learn to appropriate moments for a change of plans or schedule room for things not working as fluid as I'd like. If it were me, I would have some kind of compensation in place for the odd day when this happens. Perhaps these days I would turn into movie night, and have a delegated exotic tin of biscuits I wouldn't allow myself to touch any other time.

    The principle to help: In order to allow for a thing or let go, we need something else to grab on to. 

  • You have a vision rooted in your mind somewhere about how to make life just so. We all do this. Autistics tend to be impacted internally to a greater intensity than our NT peers. It's a type of "hyper" sensory-impact. This can be useful. For instance, envisioning the night before what I'm wearing to a meeting tomorrow, really helps my flow in the morning. I had to learn to do this intentionally because if left to last - minute, I would be incredibly late. I don't make fast decisions very well. On the same note, I am reliable, dependable and must finish what I've started. 

    Technically, it's not started as an obsession but a sudden surprise transition, which is hard. And then due to it's repeated frustration, it will have grown into something that occupies too much of your life. Can I make it home before anyone takes the spot? It's easy to always be on edge about something like this because certain things in life are communal and beyond our control. 

    Of course you don't want to cover up the house with the van. I'd have trouble with that, too. I've had to learn to appropriate moments for a change of plans or schedule room for things not working as fluid as I'd like. If it were me, I would have some kind of compensation in place for the odd day when this happens. Perhaps these days I would turn into movie night, and have a delegated exotic tin of biscuits I wouldn't allow myself to touch any other time.

    The principle to help: In order to allow for a thing or let go, we need something else to grab on to. 

  • Thanks for reply. I just really struggle at moment. I tend to get filled with rage and anger if I can't park there

  • Thanks JFG for this very understanding answer.

    Trying to separate what may be autism, adhd, ocd or just "normal" behaviour is what I'm struggling with.

    Autistics tend to be impacted internally to a greater intensity than our NT peers.

    I've always felt like this but why am I not just a "sensitive" person?

    Surprise transition, repeated frustration & intrusive thoughts are a common pattern for me.

    I will lie in bed thinking about what cars are in the road and I cannot walk past a window without checking. Reinforcing behaviour? Is this related to past trauma, even trauma that may seem trivial to others?

    I would love to let things go but I can't, any other coping strategies anyone?

    There is an old military saying that I repeat to myself, something like "You cannot command what you do not control". It is no help.