Supported accommodation?


So I need to leave my home. My family are trying to move. I’m not happy here. so the council asked for an eviction notice. Fine fair enough. I thought given the circumstances and the way my applications were going 2 months was looking okay I thought I could be housed by the time 2 months was up. They then phoned me and said we can’t get you a place at the moment you’ll need to wait another 16 months. I don’t have 16 months. we could’ve pushed it to 4 maybe but not 16. They said I could go private have I looked. Yes I can’t afford it and I’ve done private it was awful and then they won’t help me either.  She said you could make a homelessness application and we can put you in a houseshare or supported accommodation. I simply can not do a house share. So it’s looking like supported accommodation is my only option but I don’t really know what that means. I’m so stressed out right now and I’m going to go back to my youth worker but I can’t do that while im here 

  • yeah theres only something like 21 million houses in the uk and around 65 million people.... so not enough houses to population.

    then you have crazy loonatics saying we should let everyone in the world come here for a better life and your evil if you say anything about that... but just a tiny portion of the effect of that a minority of people coming here would be 100 million people.... we dont even have houses for 60 million let alone adding a extra 100 million and expecting them to all have jobs and houses right away and benefits too supported for them paid by the only like 5 million people working we have lol open borders, globalism, it will economically destroy our country and make it so we cant survive at all. too many people here, too few resources.

  • yeah theres only something like 21 million houses in the uk and around 65 million people.... so not enough houses to population.

    then you have crazy loonatics saying we should let everyone in the world come here for a better life and your evil if you say anything about that... but just a tiny portion of the effect of that a minority of people coming here would be 100 million people.... we dont even have houses for 60 million let alone adding a extra 100 million and expecting them to all have jobs and houses right away and benefits too supported for them paid by the only like 5 million people working we have lol open borders, globalism, it will economically destroy our country and make it so we cant survive at all. too many people here, too few resources.

  • we dont even have houses for 60 million let alone adding a extra 100 million

    Please support such claims with factual evidence of the projected numbers as it seems every so slightly unbelievable.

    I know Labour are looking likely to win the election and have a track record of welcoming the downtrodden masses so the situation will get a lot worse before it settles, but I can't see them being willing to strain the public purse to the tune of supporting 100 million by any means, even in the next 100 years.

    I’m so stressed out right now and I’m going to go back to my youth worker but I can’t do that while im here 

    I'm sorry this is causing you stress, but it is quite unlikely you will qualify for a place with the number of available properties being under extremely high demand due to ever uncreasing numbers of disability applicants and immigrants who have no families to house them.

    It seems quite likely that you need to take a reality check and realise that your hope of your own place is quite unlikely to happen the way you hope, so you need to prepate a plan B and possibly C in case you need to - think of it as creating a way to survive.

    If I was in your position I would work out if my family are willing to take me with them on their move - it has to be better than being on the streets which is where you are heading to now. It may be undesirable but at least you will have those helping who understand your situaiton, your needs and who love you.

    This counts for a great deal and you can start your plans again when you have a secure base to work from.

    Do you have a friend or relative you could stay with instead? If you have then there will be a lot of adapting from your side (and theirs) on how to share the place and not get in one anothers way, so there will be a time to find a balance that works for both and a lot of tolerance will be needed.

    Whatever you decide I hope you find something that works for you and makes you happy.

    Good luck