
How do you get yourself out of depression? Right now i feel stuck, kind of frozen like in my mind, whenever I try to get myself to do something I can’t work up the motivation for it and I spend alot of time in my bed. I think I’m experiencing depression, although I don’t know I’m experiencing many of the symptoms, especially the feeling of hopelessness.

I don’t know what brought it on, I just think I’ve been trying to keep going for so long, when I don’t really have any support, or friends, or something to look forward to/ work towards that I’m just in a position where I feel defeated and exhausted. I’m not sure what to do as I’ve never felt this bad before and honestly I’m really worried about my future currently. 

i really want to live a life like everyone my age but it’s all proving difficult right now. I feel like I’m behind and am losing any sense of potential I have. I’m afraid of falling behind and ending up alone honestly, I want to have goals and I don’t want to have to rely on benefits all my life. 

If anyone has any advice on something related to that it would be appreciated? 

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